The Science of Influence
Over the past several decades, behavioral scientists have conducted studies on the process of social influence — the ways in which people can influence others’ attitudes and actions. Now a substantial body of systematic research demonstrates that certain interactions can lead people to accept a proposal or comply with a request that they might otherwise reject.This research has identified six fundamental principles of influence. These principles do not involve the merits of the proposal or request itself, but the way in which it is communicated.
Six Principles of Effective Influence
1. Liking: People are more easily influenced by those they like.
2. Authority: People are more easily influenced by those they perceive to be legitimate authorities.
3. Scarcity: Items and opportunities become more desirable as they less accessible.
4. Consistency: People have a strong desire to be consistent with their previous opinions,assertions and actions.
5. Reciprocity: People give back what another has given them.
6. Social Proof: People often decide what to do by looking at what similar others have done.
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