retailing 零售
channel of distribution 分销渠道
sorting process 分拣过程
multi-channel retailing 多渠道零售
nonstore retailing 无店铺零售
direct marketing 直复营销
data-base retailing 数据库零售
exclusive distribution 独家分销
intensive distribution 密集分销
selective distribution 选择性分销
retail strategy 零售战略
retailing concept 零售观念
total retail experience 整体零售体验
releationship retailing 关系零售
expected customer service期望的顾客服务
augemented customer service扩展的顾客服务
employee empowerment 雇员授权
revolving credit account 循环信用帐户
option credit account 选择信用帐户
open credit account 开放信用帐户
value delivery system 价值传送系统
goods retailing 商品零售
service retailing 服务零售
rented-goods services 租赁商品服务
owned-goods services 自由商品服务
nongoods services 非商品服务
electornic banking 电子银行
social responsibility 社会责任
consumerism 消费者保护主义
mass merchandising 大规模销售
niche retailing 利基零售
bifurcated retailing 分叉零售
target market 目标市场
mass marketing 大规模营销
concentrated marketing 集中营销
differentiated marketing 差别营销
controllable variables 可控变量
uncontrollable variables 不可控变量
strategy mix 战略组合
destination retailer 目标零售商
wheel of retailing 零售轮转
scrambled merchandising 商品攀升
retail life cycle 零售生命周期
mergers 吞并
downsizing 缩小规模
convenience store 便利店
supermarket 超市
conventional supermarker 传统超级市场
food-based superstore 食品超级市场
supercenter 超级中心
hypermarket 大型超级市场
box(limited-line)store 有限品种商店
warehourse store 仓储店
specialty store 专业店
deparment store 百货公司
traditional department store 传统百货公司
full-time discount store 全线折扣百货店
variety store 杂货店
off-price chain 优惠价连锁店
factory outlet 工厂直销店
membership club 会员俱乐部
flea market 跳蚤市场
demographics 人口特征
discretionary income 可随意支配收入
reference groups 参照群体
household life cycle 居住单位生命周期
family life cycle 家庭生命周期
class consciousness 阶级意识
perceived risk 可察觉的风险
outshopping 到邻近地区购物
cross-shopping 交叉购物
evaluation of alternatives备选方案的评估
trading area 商圈
trading-area overlap 商圈重叠
geographic information system地理信息系统
primary trading area 主要商圈
secondary trading area 次要商圈
fringe trading area 边缘商圈
understored trading area 商店不足区
overstored trading area 商店过多区
saturated trading area 商店均衡区
parasite store 附着式商店
isolated store 孤立商店
unplanned business district无规划商业区
central business district 中心商业区
secondary business district次级商业区
neighborhood business district邻里商业区
planned shopping center 规划的购物中心
balanced tenancy 均衡配置
regional shopping center 区域购物中心
megamall 特大购物中心
community shopping center 社区购物中心
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