

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1429次 词条创建者:wying1129     创建时间:10-22 11:47
标签: 双语笑话 课本 教师 架势 停顿

摘要:I had a schoolmate who had come into school at an age later than usual,and could hardly read.There was a book used by the leaners in reading called "Dialogues between a Missionary and an Indian."[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1393次 词条创建者:Yachne     创建时间:10-21 14:31
标签: 英语笑话 叛徒 政治 信仰

摘要:Young hopeful: “Well then, what is a man who leaves his party and comes over to yours?" Father: "A convert, my son."[阅读全文]

编辑:1次 | 浏览:1663次 词条创建者:wying1129     创建时间:10-21 11:43
标签: 双语笑话 情歌 美妙 灵魂

摘要:Your little hands, Your little feet, Your little mouth Oh,God,how sweet![阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1710次 词条创建者:wying1129     创建时间:10-21 11:42
标签: 英语笑话 怕老婆 国王 惩罚 右侧

摘要:The ruler of an ancient kingdom wanted to disprove the statement that the men of his domain were ruled by their wives.He had all the males in his kingdom brought before him and warned that any man wh[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1900次 词条创建者:Yachne     创建时间:10-20 14:31
标签: 双语笑话 乡绅 诺丁汉 笨鹅

摘要:Choose whatever I like?" cried the jouthful recluse."O, thank you,dear father, then give me—a goose!"[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1436次 词条创建者:Yachne     创建时间:10-20 14:07
标签: 英语笑话 事故 工资 结婚

摘要:For accidents which happen to our workmen outside the factory we are not responsible.[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1337次 词条创建者:wying1129     创建时间:10-20 12:46
标签: 双语笑话 男人 情景 屋子

摘要:What a world of pathos in this: A barren room,illkempt children,a worn out patient wife,a dissolute husband,and weak.[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1311次 词条创建者:wying1129     创建时间:10-20 12:44
标签: 英语笑话 父亲 领带 裤子 汤姆

摘要:When Tom Howard was seventeen years old he was as tallas his father,so he began to borrow Mr.Howard's clothes when he wanted to go out with his friends in the evening.[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1404次 词条创建者:wying1129     创建时间:10-19 16:57
标签: 双语笑话 写信 开水

摘要:Mr.Brown was busy writing letters in his room when his servant,a very stupid boy, rushed hastily into his master's room and shouted loudly in an excited voice,"Fire,Fire!The kitchen is on fire[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1466次 词条创建者:wying1129     创建时间:10-19 16:51
标签: 英语笑话 想不到 子弹 军官

摘要:A big battle was going on during the First World War.Guns were firing, and shells and bullets were flying about everywhere.[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1445次 词条创建者:Yachne     创建时间:10-19 14:05
标签: 英语笑话 笑话 爵士 耳聋

摘要:When it ended, everyone laughed louder than ever and Sir William smiled happily. But he didn't know the reason for their laughter. He had told the very same story that his friend had just told.[阅读全文]

编辑:1次 | 浏览:1592次 词条创建者:wying1129     创建时间:10-16 17:27
标签: 双语笑话 货店 美元 游艇 别墅

摘要:The owner of a large department store went over hisbooks and discovered that his most trusted employee had stolenover a million dollars from the firm."I want no scandal,” saidthe owner.“I'll ju[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1471次 词条创建者:wying1129     创建时间:10-16 17:23
标签: 英语笑话 马克.吐温 被盗 相信

摘要:On one occasion when Mark Twain arrived in London from New York,the Star thought the fact worth recording onits evening placard.[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1369次 词条创建者:Yachne     创建时间:10-16 14:13
标签: 英文笑话 克莱顿 主教 伦敦 小男孩

摘要:The little boy glanced hastily at the gentleman of the cloth."Come on," he yelled, "we must both run away."[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1831次 词条创建者:Yachne     创建时间:10-16 13:14
标签: 双语笑话 丘吉尔 脚气 自大

摘要:"That makes no difference," was the reply. "All I meant to convey was that you were too big for your boots."[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1530次 词条创建者:Yachne     创建时间:10-16 13:10
标签: 英语笑话 大主教 威斯敏斯特 中风

摘要:"Console yourself, your Grace," said the Duchess of Sutherland, who sat beside him." It is not your leg but mine that you have been pinching."[阅读全文]

编辑:1次 | 浏览:1965次 词条创建者:wying1129     创建时间:10-15 17:45
标签: 英语笑话 皇帝 姑娘 钞票

摘要:The Emperor of Russia was once at a gathering in Pariswhen a collection was made for the poor. A very pretty Frenchgirl went to the Emperor and asked for a donation.He pulledout a twentyfranc piece[阅读全文]

编辑:1次 | 浏览:1575次 词条创建者:wying1129     创建时间:10-15 17:42
标签: 双语笑话 爵士 城堡 木桶

摘要:Sir Richard Bacon tells the following amusing story in "ANava1 Scrap Book":"On one occasion When my ancestor's husband was up country with his troops[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1696次 词条创建者:Yachne     创建时间:10-15 14:41
标签: 双语笑话 斯波俊 传教士 天堂 彼得

摘要:Spurgeon set out for Heaven at 7.15." A wag added the following: "Not yet arrived,12 p.m., anxious.Peter."[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1648次 词条创建者:Yachne     创建时间:10-15 14:35
标签: 英语笑话 推销 汽车

摘要:That's no good to me.I want one to ride in.[阅读全文]

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