摘要:美国20世纪最伟大的演讲49Cuban Missile Crisis Address[阅读全文]
摘要:asking for contact information[阅读全文]
摘要:base address : the part of a two-part memory address that remains constant and provides a reference point from which the location of a byte of data can be calculated. a base address is accompanie[阅读全文]
摘要:演讲原文(Douglas Macarthur)Apr.19,1951.Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, and distinguished members of the Congress:I stand on this rostrum with a sense of deep humility and great pride. Humility in the wake[阅读全文]
摘要:【辨析】cloths 统指衣服,包括上衣、裤子、内衣、外衣 。它不能与数词连用。如不可以说不得three clothes, 但可以说many(a few, these, my)clothes.也不可说a clothes,说“一套衣服”可经表达为“a suit of clothes[阅读全文]
摘要:(1)个人资料或个人详情 personal data or personal details 一、name(姓名),英语的习惯写法是名在前,姓在后,如:daguang wang(王大光) 二、address(通信地址),英语通信地址的写法与汉语迥然不同,[阅读全文]