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  Cet-4 2001.6

  30. In order to recover their share of the world market, U.S. auto makers are ____.

  A. improving product quality

  B. increasing product features

  C. modernizing product style

  D. re-positioning their product in the market


  … American auto manufacturers are using quality improvement as one way to recapture worn markets. Note, also, how auto manufactures once changed styles dramatically from year to year to keep demand from falling.

  这道题目其实很简单,但是部分同学很有可能被note后面的内容所迷惑,而选项C、modernizing product style正是根据此所出的干扰项。大家只要注意问题中auto makers are,可以对应段落中的… manufacturers are using…,这里用的是现在进行时;而… manufactures once changed …这里用则是一般过去时,就可以很容易去掉这一干扰项。


  Cet-4 2001.1 Passage 4

  37. The returned plastic bottles in New York used to ___.

  A. end up somewhere underground

  B. be turned into raw materials

  C. have a second-life value

  D. be separated from other rubbish

  这里通过used to可以得知是过去的事情,大家可以细心看一下,本文的时态是第一段过去时为主,而第二段开始后都是一般时,你在定位的时候可能只要定位到第一段,而不会被后面的内容所干扰了。

  再来看一个例子,Cet-4 2002.6 Passage 4

  38. What was the attitude of doctors towards weight training in health improvement?

  A. positive

  B. indifferent

  C. negative

  D. cautious

  在这里通过was我们可以得知是以前医生的观点,那么很容易定位到…since medical opinion suggested that weight-training programs offered few if any health benefits.

  另外,本篇文章里的37题的题目中的early spas的定位也很重要,很多人会认为早期的spas是指in the late1960s and early 1970s,我们不能想当然的认为距离现在远就是早期,文章中还出现了a number of fitness spas existed prior to this aerobic fitness movement even a national chain with spas in most major cities.可见这个是出现在60年代末和70年代初之前的。



  今天给大家讲讲副词在文章里的一些作用,首先我们需要了解的副词的作用究竟是什么:起修饰或限制动词或形容词作用、表程度或范围的词。可以说,我们在分析文章的结构或者找出文章的主干的时候,副词是可以忽略不记的,如:Converted to a standard match of 90 minutes, each referee made almost 23 mistakes, a remarkably high number. (CET-4 2000.6),在这么一句话里,主要成分是referee made mistakes, 而23 mistakes是一个很高的数字,究竟有多高,remarkably在这里修饰了high, 表明了高到了什么样的程度。我们知道remarkably是表示不寻常地,显著地意思;所谓不寻常,也就代表着按照人们的正常思维和想法是不可能想到的。因此,在该篇文章的第二题中:

  The number of refereeing errors in the experimental matches was ____.

  A. slightly above average

  B. higher than in the 1998 World Cup

  C. Quite unexpected

  D. As high as in a standard match

  可以通过这个表示“不寻常地” 的remarkably的分析,得出正确选项, quite unexpected.

  另在CET-4 2005.1的一篇文章中,In most Japanese preschools, surprisingly little emphasis is put on academic instruction. 这里我们可以看出,在日本的学前教育中,并没有强调学业理论指导,但是这里为什么要用surprisingly, 令人惊讶地,又是令谁惊讶呢?通过前文… many Americans are turning to Japan, a country of high academic achievement and economic success, for possible answers. However, the answers provided by Japanese preschools are not the ones Americans expected to find…这里我们可以看出,是令美国人惊讶了。美国人为什么会惊讶?在什么情况下会使人产生惊讶?如果事情按照正常的规律发生,会令人惊讶么?一般来说,只有结果和自己预期想象的不一样,才会令人就惊讶。本文我们可以看出美国人本想向日本人学习在学前教育方面对学业理论指导的,但是通过后句我们已经知道日本人在学前教育中,并没有强调学业理论指导。因此,在该篇文章的第一题中:

  We learn form the first paragraph that many Americans believe ____.

  A. Japanese parents are more involved in preschool education than American parents.

  B. Japan’s economic success is a result of its scientific achievements.

  C. Japan’s preschool education emphasizes academic instruction.

  D. Japan’s higher education is superior to theirs.

  原本以为日本的学前教育强调学业理论指导,但是结果并不这样,因此产生了惊讶。只要大家留心surprisingly, 这道题目是很容易能够选对的。



  首先我们需要知道的是,引语分为直接引语与间接引语,在文章中但凡出现了引语,其引语内容所要表达的思想仅仅是被引用人的观点,除非作者对该内容明显表现出一定的态度,否则引语内的所表达的思想仅仅是被引用人的,与作者态度无关,我们也可以说作者仅仅客观地表述了一下他人的观点而已。今天我们先看看直接引语部分,直接引语很好辨别,大家只要注意引号就可以了。最近真题中最具有代表性的是CET-4 2004.6阅读理解当中的一篇:

  As soon as it was revealed that a reporter for Progressive magazine had discovered how to make a hydrogen bomb, a group of firearm (火器) fans formed the National Hydrogen Bomb Association, and they are now lobbying against any legislation to stop Americans from owning one.

  "The Constitution," said the association's spokesman, "gives everyone the right to own arms. It doesn't spell out what kind of arms. But since anyone can now make a hydrogen bomb, the public should be able to buy it to protect themselves."

  "Don't you think it's dangerous to have one in the house, particularly where there are children around?"

  "The National Hydrogen Bomb Association hopes to educate people in the safe handling of this type of weapon. We are instructing owners to keep the bomb in a locked cabinet and the fuse (导火索 ) separately in a drawer."

  "Some people consider the hydrogen bomb a very fatal weapon which could kill somebody."

  The spokesman said, "Hydrogen bombs don't kill people - people kill people. The bomb is for self-protection and it also has a deterrent effect. If somebody knows you have a nuclear weapon in your house, they're going to think twice about breaking in."

  "But those who want to ban the bomb for American citizens claim that if you have one locked in the cabinet, with the fuse in a drawer, you would never be able to assemble it in time to stop an intruder (侵入者) "

  "Another argument against allowing people to own a bomb is that at the moment it is very expensive to build one. So what your association is backing is a program which would allow the middle and upper classes to acquire a bomb while poor people will be left defenseless with just handguns."


  如17题Some people oppose the ownership of H-bombs by individuals on the ground that ______.以及19题, According to the passage , opponents of the private ownership of H-bombs are very much worried about that ______. 这里我们就需要根据说话者的身份在文章里面进行定位,关注哪些引语是引用了反对者的话语,并进行分析答题。


  From the tone of the passage we know that the author is _____.

  A. doubtful about the necessity of keeping H-bombs at home for safety

  B. unhappy with those who vote against the ownership of H-bombs

  C. not serious about the private ownership of H-bombs

  D. concerned about the spread of nuclear weapons

  其中我们通过了解了引语的作用后,就可以知道作者在这篇文章中所表现出的立场是中立而客观的,通过对四组词组的分析,doubtful about, unhappy with, not serious about以及 concern about中,只有concern about关注并没有体现住作者本身的情感立场问题,因此可以说D选项应该是更符合的。


  前两天跟大家讨论了直接引语,今天我们来看看间接引语。首先我们要知道,在文章中间,间接引语的形式不仅仅局限在say that中,我们还需要注意诸如argue, think, consider, hold, insist, quarrel, feel等词汇。例如在Cet-4 2002.1的一篇阅读中:

  Some pessimistic experts feel that …. Other authorities, however, think the auto is here to stay. They hold that the car will….

  What is the author’s attitude toward the future autos?

  A. enthusiastic

  B. pessimistic

  C. optimistic

  D. cautious


  Cet-4 2004.6

  For decades educators fought his idea that …. They assumed language must be based on speech….

  Most educators objected to Stokoe’s idea because they thought ______.

  A. sign language was not extensively used even by deaf people

  B. sign language was too artificial to be wide accepted

  C. a language should be easy to use and understand

  D. a language could only exist in the form of speech sounds


  最近的一次四级考试中,…President Bush certainly thinks so. He has argued that tapping ANWR’s oil would help ease California electricity crisis and provide a major boost to the country’s energy independence….

  What does President Bush think of tapping oil in ANWR?

  A. It will exhaust the nation’s oil reserves.

  B. It will help secure the future of ANWR.

  C. It will help reduce the nation’s oil imports.

  D. It will increase American’s energy consumption.






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