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Mouse Hunt 捕鼠记


电影名称: 捕鼠记/Mouse Hunt 捕鼠记Mouse Hunt
影片类别: 喜剧, 动作
上映时间: 1997
国家/地区: 美国
导演:戈尔 弗宾斯盖 (Gore Verbinski)
主要演员:Nathan Lane / Lee Evans



(图)捕鼠记 [Mouse Hunt]捕鼠记 [Mouse Hunt]

玩世不恭、开着一家时髦餐厅的哥哥主张卖掉父亲的工厂,这座千疮百孔、朽木残坦的工厂似乎是工业革命时代的产物。但是,多愁善感的弟弟拉尔斯却坚持保留这份家产,他抹着眼泪重复着父亲的座右铭:“没有琴弦的世界将是一片混乱。” 不幸的是,欧尼失去了他的餐厅,因为他最尊贵的顾客,该市的市长在狼吞虎咽时死于心脏病,欧尼无辜地成为罪魁祸首。同样不幸的是,拉尔斯被泼妇般的妻子从家里赶了出来,因为她不理解丈夫为什么不肯把这家破工厂卖出去。

于是,无家可归的兄弟只好去利用父亲给他们留下的另一笔遗产——一座空了好几年的老房子。这是一栋破旧不堪的古屋,谁都认为是一堆分文不值的破烂。可兄弟俩万万没想到,这栋外观破旧、岌岌可危的老房子竟然是建筑大师的传世之作,非常具有艺术价值,价值数百万。兄弟俩自然是欣喜若狂。可要成为巨富首先得将房子修整一新才能拍卖。正当兄弟俩准备开工时,麻烦出现了。原来,一只神通广大的老鼠已经把这里当成了它的家,固执地不肯迁离老屋。看来,不经过一场翻天覆地的大战,它是绝对不会轻易离开这里的,于是兄弟俩就想方设法开始了捕鼠。 他们找来凶猛的大猫、最高明的灭鼠专家,还亲自设计制作了精巧、威力强大的鼠夹,可这一切都奈何不了那只小精灵,鼠夹总是夹住他们自己。这对难兄难弟被小老鼠折腾得狼狈不堪,已经够破烂的老房子也被破坏得随时都会倒塌。眼看兄弟俩的黄金梦要被一只小小的老鼠弄成泡影,这场人鼠大战究竟结局如何呢?

Lars (Lee Evans) and Ernie (Nathan Lane) Smuntz are two hapless brothers, and sons of wealthy string manufacturer Rudolf Smuntz (William Hickey). Pop, as they called him, dies, leaving them his vintage string factory and a handful of personal items including a box of cigars, which Ernie quickly takes, and the deed to an old mansion with a bank debt. Later that day, a couple of representatives from company called Zeppco International offers to buy the factory from Lars. Lars then remembers he and his brother, after being given a lucky piece of string, had promised their dying father to never sell the factory. He declines the offer (without first telling Ernie) but accepts a business card from the Zeppco representatives. That night, his wife April (Vicki Lewis) discovers this and throws him out in a rage. Meanwhile, Ernie, who never cared for his father's business, serves the mayor at his restaurant Chez Ernie. A cockroach crawls out of the box of cigars into one of the dishes. The mayor accidentally eats it and dies of a heart attack, and due to the publicity, Ernie loses his restaurant and home. He meets Lars in a diner, where they reconcile and decide to investigate the old mansion, since both of them have nowhere else to live.

They find the mansion to be "... just like him: cold and spooky". Their first night in the only bed there is a noise, which they attribute to a mouse that they find in the attic. They also find the mansion's blueprints, which show that it was built in 1876 by a famous architect, Charles Lyle LaRue. The find attracts immediate interest, including a collector of LaRue items, Alexander Falko (Maury Chaykin), who offers to buy the mansion right then for $10 million. However, Ernie greedily convinces Lars that they can make more money if they restore it and then auction it off.

April reconciles with Lars and finances the restoration. The brothers begin renovating, which destroys the mouse's home behind a wall. The mouse subsequently sabotages their efforts, invoking numerous attempts by them to kill it, which injure only themselves and coincidentally destroy prominent portions of the house. They cover the floor with mousetraps, which the mouse triggers with a cherry. they try to suck it up with a vacuum cleaner but gets stuck in a sewage pipe, causing the bag in the vacuum cleaner to explode. They acquire a deranged cat, named Catzilla, which the mouse tricks into falling down a Dumbwaiter shaft. Finally they hire an eccentric exterminator named Caesar (Christopher Walken).

Meanwhile, Ernie finds the Zeppco business card in the string factory and surreptitiously arranges a meeting (without telling Lars), which never occurs because he flirts with two women and gets hit by a bus. The brothers return to the house as Caesar, injured and insane, is taken away by paramedics, who found him locked in a trunk in the attic, like the previous owner. After another chase after the mouse, the two brothers result in being burnt/injured with Ernie being blasted out of the chimney and into a frozen lake in a ball of fire. Completely berserk, Ernie grabs a shotgun and fires at the mouse, missing each time and causing the floor to collapse by accidentally shooting a bug bomb dropped by Caesar. In the ensuing calm, the answering machine plays a message from Zeppco, withdrawing their offer to buy the factory. The brothers begin to argue about each betrayal, and Lars, enraged, throws an orange at Ernie, missing and knocking the mouse unconscious. Finding the opportunity, the brothers wanted to finish the mouse off, but their consciences desists them despite all the mayhem the mouse contributed. Instead, the brothers happily mail the mouse to Cuba. They finally finish restoring the mansion and host a lavish auction at the premises. The bidding rises into millions, when Lars discovers the mouse parcel, returned due to insufficient postage, with a hole chewed through. In horror, the brothers immediately attempt to find and kill the mouse. They feed a hose into the walls to try and flood the mouse out. Meanwhile, Alexander Falko bids $25 million, but before the auctioneer's gavel drops, the walls collapse under the water pressure. The water flushes out all the people inside the house before the house finally collapses to the ground. The brothers' only consolation is the apparent certainty that the mouse has finally been killed, and they assumed so when they found their father's lucky piece of string, which the mouse ate earlier.

Ruined again, the brothers spend the night in the string factory, unaware that the mouse has survived and followed them. The mouse activates the factory machinery and drops a slab of cheese into the wax receptacle. The noise awakens the brothers, who find a ball of string cheese at the end of the production line. The film switches to Lars giving his new girlfriend a tour of the highly modernised factory, which now manufactures string cheese very profitably. Ernie is the top chef for new blends, but accepts them only after quality control by the mouse, telling it, "We want you to be spokesperson. I'm sure people have had a mouse as a spokesperson before and it turned out pretty well."

The film ends with the portrait of Rudolf Smuntz beaming(his expression in the portrait has been changing throughout the entire film), and his lucky piece of string laminated, framed and hung beside the portrait, with his famous quotation written under it, "A world without string is chaos."


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