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Wonderful Sentences 2

1.Cross my heart!(真心话!)

2.Same old story!(又是这一套!)

3.Enough is enough!(够了够了!)

4.The dice is cast!(已成定局!)

5.Don't miss the boat!(不要坐失良机!)

6.Better late than never.(迟做总比不做好。)

7.Don't be square!(别古板了!)

8.Down the hatch!(干杯!)

9.Don't get fresh!(休得无理!)

10.It's a deal!(一言为定!)

11.I mean what I say.(我说话算话。)

12.I will play it by ear.(我将随兴而定。)

13.I'm broke.(我身无分文。)

14.Mind your way.(走路当心。)

15.Not a chance.(行不通。)

16.It's closing time!(打烊了!)

17.Let's make up!(让我们言归于好吧!)

18.Pain past is pleasure.(过去的痛苦即是快乐。)

19.Keep the change.(不用找了。)

20.It's slipped my mind!(我一不留神忘了!)

21.Small potato.(小人物。)

22.Stop messing around!(别鬼混了!)

23.That's always the case.(习以为常。)

24.What's the story?(葫芦里面卖什么药啊?)

25.You can never tell.(谁也没把握。)

26.I can't take it anymore!(我受不了了!)

27.Hang it call!(岂有此理!)

28.Cut it out!(省省吧!)

29.Come to the point!(有话快说!)

30.Don't kill time!(别浪费时间!)




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