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only when i sleep


    The Corrs来自于一个名叫邓多克的爱尔兰边境小镇。乐队由4个姓氏为Corr

(图)only when i sleep [the corrs]only when i sleep [the corrs]

的兄妹组成。最初他们排练演出的场所是父母家中二楼的卧室,由大哥Jim担任吉他和键盘演奏,Sharon拉小提琴,Caroline打鼓,Andrea负责演唱。他们最初尝试正式演出是参与由著名导演Alan Parker执导的改编自Roddy Doyle的同名小说的影片《许诺》(The Commitment)的拍摄。他们司职影片中的配乐。虽然这样的经历并不是The Corrs所想的,但所幸的是影片的音乐执导John Hughes在他们身上看到了一些特别之处。他接受了这支乐队的风格并成为他们的经纪人。直至今日,John Hughes还保有“The Corrs第5个成员”的称号。

  1994年,The Corrs悄无声息地来到了美国纽约。在Hit Factory录音室,他们开始了自己的星运。Hit Factory的制作人David Foster曾荣获葛莱美奖。他曾为Michael Jackson制作了专辑《历史》(History)。十分幸运的是,这位名制作人给了这支名不见经传的乐队一个即兴表演的机会,让他们展示自己的才能。在颇感满意的情况下,他接受了The Corrs首张专辑《宽恕,但不忘记》(Forgiven,Not Forgotten)的制作工作。该专辑于1995年发行,它的推出使得The Corrs一跃跻身国际巨星的行列。该专辑在6个国家或地区获得多白金销量,并在更多的国家或地区获得金唱片销量。

  之后The Corrs随Celine Dion展开了全球巡演的征程。在一些地方,他们的锋芒甚至盖过了真正的主角。好在Celine Dion仍以优雅的态度面对来自后辈的威胁,但同时她也震惊于The Corrs突如其来的成功。

  正是那场巡回演出为The Corrs赢得了“世界上最辛劳乐队”的称号。由于他们刚出道,缺乏真正的拥趸,所以The Corrs开始了自己乐队独立的巡演之路。在1994年之后的2年中,The Corrs的日子几乎都是在巡回演出的途中度过的,其中还包括了他们在1996年的首次美国巡回演出。一直到他们筹备创作、录制第二张专辑,The Corrs才停下了巡演的脚步。在巡演的期间,Andrea还出演了Madonna主演的影片《艾薇塔》(Evita)。


You're only just a dream boat
Sailing in my head
You swim my secret oceans
Of coral blue and red
Your smell is incense burning
Your touch is silken yet
It reaches through my skin
Moving from within
And clutches at my breast
But it's only when I sleep
See you in my dreams
Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside down
But I only hear you breathe
Somewhere in my sleep
Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside down
But it's only when I sleep
And when I wake from slumber
Your shadow's disappeared
Your breath is just a sea mist
Surrounding my body
I'm working through the daytime
But when it's time to rest
I'm lying in my bed
Listening to my breath
Falling from the edge
But it's only when I sleep
See you in my dreams
Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside down
But I only hear you breathe
Somewhere in my sleep
Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside down
But it's only when I sleep
But it's only when I sleep...
(Up to the sky)
(Where angels fly)
(I'll never die)
(Hawaiian high)
It's reaching through my skin
Moving from within
And clutches at my breast
But it's only when I sleep
See you in my dreams
Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside down
But I only hear you breathe
(In bed I lie)
(No need to cry)
(My sleeping cry)
(Hawaiian high)


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