The Carpenter’s
Question: Is it hard to sing together for a longtime. Do you have any kind of fight between you?
Karen: No.
Richard: “No, Karen and I have always gotten along very well, and actually it works to our favor.”
Karen: Yeah, it’s an asset being brother and sister. We get along very, very well – and when we work we think we know each other’s mind so well it makes it very easy because – ah –he can be thinking something or just give me some kind of a work and I know what he’s thinking and the opposite for him too.
Question: What does music mean to you? What does music in general, what does it mean to you?
Karen: Ah, well I, music is very, very important to both my life and Richard’s life. But, ah, we consider ourselves very lucky to be spending our life doing what we really love to do. Ah, I really enjoy singing and I love to listen to music, and, ah, if there wasn’t music in my life I would be very miserable.
Question: OK and ah, did you realize that your Friends Club here in Brazil was so enthusiastic?
Richard: “No, no, the Friends Club, no. We had no idea that it was as enthusiastic as it is. In fact we were kind, just about dissected trying to get into the car. Reminds me of the, ah, the Fan Club in Japan.”
Richard: “The same kind of enthusiasm”.
Karen: “Very exciting.”
asset n. 资产;财产;有用的资源
miserable adj. 不幸的,痛苦的,悲惨的
enthusiastic adj. 热情的
dissect v.解剖;仔细分析。
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