空中英语教室 2008年10月
Studio Classroom October 2008
October 01-02, Henry Ford's model T
October 03-04, The high-tech bathroom
October 06-07, Make learning last a lifetime
October 08, Turn on your GPS, but don't turn off your mind
October 09-10-11, India: land of wonder
October 13-14, Bollywood beauty
October 15-16, Franklin Graham: a man with a mission
October 17-18, Homework
October 20-21, Car accidents
October 22-23, New in the neighborhood
October 24-25, Parkour
October 27-28, An apple a day keeps the doctor away
October 29, Free rice=good idea
October 30-31, Manners in the sky
《空中英语教室》杂志 2008年10月刊(PDF)
《空中英语教室》杂志 2008年10月刊(文本)
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