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11. Checking in at a Hotel

Mr. Woods: I'd like a double room for tonight.
Clerk:    Do you have a reservation?
Mr. Woods:Yes. I called you last week from New York. My name is George Woods.
Clerk:    Wait a second, please. (She checks the computer.)Yes, Mr. Woods, we have a room reserved for you. How long do you plan to stay?
Mr. Woods: Probably two days. My wife will join me tomorrow. Then we'll decide when to leave for Seattle.
Clerk:    Would you sign the register, please?
Mr. Woods: By the way, does my room have a private hath?
Clerk:    Certainly. Every room in this hotel has a private bath.
Mt. Woods:Does my room have twin beds or a double? I prefer a room with twin beds.
Clerk:    Your room has twin beds, Mr. Woods. It also has a view. I'm sure you'll like it....This is your key. It's on the eighth floor, room 801. The elevator is over there.
Mr. Woods: Thank you. One more thing, where is your restaurant?
Clerk:    The restaurant is on the second floor. We also have a cafeteria on the top floor. If you would like something to drink, you can either call room service or come down here. The bar is right behind the lobby.
Mr. Woods:Thank you! You're very kind.
Clerk: You're welcome.

伍兹先生: 我要一间双人房。
职员:   有预先订房吗?
伍兹先生: 有的。我上星期从纽约打过电话来。我的名字是乔冶伍兹。
职员:   请稍候。(她查了一下电脑。)是的,伍兹先生,我们帮您留了一间房。您打算待多久呢,伍兹先生?
伍兹先生: 大概两天左右。找太太明天会来和我会合。然后我们才决定什么时候离开这儿前往西雅图。
职员 :    请您在登记簿上签个名好吗?
伍兹先生: 对了,我的房间有单独的浴室吗?
职员 :    当然有。这里的每个房间都有单独的浴室,
伍兹先生 :我的房间是两张单人床还是一张双人床? 我比较喜欢有两张单人床的房间。
职员 :    您的房间有两张单人床,伍兹先生。屋可以看得到风景呢。我相信您一定会喜欢的。……这是您的钥匙。房间在八楼,八O一号房。电梯就在那边。
伍兹先生: 谢谢你。还有一件事,你们的餐厅在那里?
职员 :    餐厅在二楼。我们在顶楼屋有自助餐厅。如果您想喝一杯的话,您可以叫服务生送去或者是下来这里。酒吧就在大厅的后面。
伍兹先生: 谢谢你。你真亲切。
职员 :    不客气。

12. Asking for Directions

Dale: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Palace Museum?
Nancy:You can take Bus 5. The driver will tell you where to get off.
Dale: Yes, but I'm driving my own car.
Nancy:Oh, then you drive along this street , turn right at the third crossroad, then take the first left. Keep straight on until you see a road sign that says "Palace Museum", and then you follow the sign.  It will direct you to the Palace Museum.
Dale: Drive along this street, turn right, turn left, keep straight, and then I'll see the road sign?
Nancy:That's right.
Dale: Are you sure that I won't bump into any one-way streets?
Nancy:Well,...I don't think you will....I don't see any car around here. Where is your car?
Dale: I parked it over there. You see?
Nancy:Oh, no. You'd better move it before a policeman sees you parking there.
Dale: Why? I don't see any "No Parking" signs.
Nancy: But you're parking in a bus zone.
Dale: Here comes a policeman. I'd better run....Thank you, miss....Oh, by the way, how long will it take for me to get to the museum?
Nancy:About half an hour.
Dale: Thanks again. You've been very helpful.
Nancy:Hurry up, or you'll get a ticket.

达尔: 对不起。请问到皇家博物馆怎么走?
南茜: 你可以搭5号公车,司机会告诉你在哪儿下车。
达尔: 是的,但我是自己开车去。
南茜: 哦,那你沿着这条街开,在第三个十字路口右转,然后在第一个转弯处左转,一直走,然后你会看到一个写着皇家博物馆的路标,跟着它的指示走就对了。它会带你到皇家博物馆的。
达尔: 沿着这条街开,右转,左转,直走,然后就会看到路标?
南茜: 没错。
达尔: 你确定我不会闯进单行道?
南茜: 呃,……不会吧。我没看到这附近有车。你的车停在那儿?
达尔: 就在那边。你看到了吗?
南茜: 哦,糟了。你最好趁警察还没来以前赶紧把它开走。
达尔: 为什么?我没看到有『禁止停车』的标志。
南茜: 但是你停在公车区呀!
达尔: 警察来了。我最好赶快走。……谢谢你了,小姐。……哦,对了,到皇家博物馆大概要花多少时间?
南茜: 大约半小时。
达萌: 再次谢谢你。你帮了大忙。
南茜: 快走吧,否则你就会收到罚单了。

13. On the Bus

Bus driver: Move to the rear of the bus, please. There're plenty of seats in the rear.
Daisy:      How much is the fare, please?
Bus driver: Thirty cents. Drop it in the box.
Daisy:      Does this bus go to Washington Park?
Bus driver: Take Bus No. 9. This is No. 6.
Daisy:      But somebody told me this is the right bus. I'm going to Park Avenue.
Bus driver: This is the right bus. I'll let you off when we get there.
Daisy:      Thanks a lot, driver.
Willie:     Driver, I want a transfer to the 66th street cross-town bus. How much is the fare?
Bus driver: (Giving him a transfer.) There's no charge for transfers.
Willie:     Is it good on any cross-town bus or only on the 66th street cross-town?
Bus driver: That transfer is only good on the 66th street bus.
Willie:     I'm going to First Avenue. Is 66th Street my best way to get there?
Bus driver: Yes.
Judy:       Driver, does this bus go to Washington Square?
Bus driver: No, take Bus No. 10 across the street.
Judy:       Thank you.

公车司机 : 请向后移。后面有很多的空位。
黛西 :     请问要给多少钱?
公车司机 : 三角。投到箱子里。
黛西 :     这车到不到华盛顿公园?
公车司机 : 去搭九号公车。这是六号。
黛西 :     可是有人告诉我要搭这辆公车。我要去公园大道。
公车司机 : 搭这辆公车没错。到了我会让你下车。
黛西 :     谢谢你,司机。
威利 :     司机,我要一张到第六六街公车的转车票,多少钱?
公车司机 : (给他一张转车票。)转车票是不用钱的.
威利 :     这张票是所有的公车都有效还是只能坐六六街公车?
公车司机 : 你那张票只能坐六六街公车。
威利 :     我要到第一大道。六六街是不是去那里最快的路?
公车司机 : 没错。
茱蒂 :     司机,这辆车到下到华盛顿广场?
公车司机 : 不到,你去街对面搭十号公车。
茱蒂 :     谢谢。

14. Taking a Taxi

Miss Kao:  Taxi! Taxi! (A cab stops and she goes in.)
Cab driver:Where to, miss?
Miss Kao:  Diamond Hotel on Beach Avenue. How much do you think the fare will be?
Cab driver:Well, about three dollars. I can't tell exactly, but whatever it is, it will show on the meter.
Miss Kao:  I took a taxi yesterday from the station to Diamond Hotel, and the driver charged me six dollars.
Cab driver:Was it rush hour?
Miss Kao:  No, it wasn't.
Cab driver:Well, there is nothing I can say, miss.
Miss Kao:  Do you think he intentionally drove all around instead of driving directly to Diamond Hotel?
Cab driver:No. Why would he want to do that?
Miss Kao:  For more money! He thought I was someone who can be taken advantage of.
Cab driver:I wouldn't say that, miss. Any cab driver would lose his license if he got caught doing a thing like that.
Miss Kao:  I didn't know that.
Cab driver:Now you know. Are you new in this city?
Miss Kao:  Yes. I'll probably stay here for two more weeks.
Cab driver:In that case, you can try to call a cab company to send you a cab next time when you need one. That'll certainly make you feel safer.... Here you are, Diamond Hotel.
Miss Kao:  Thank you for the advice. How much is it?
Cab driver:Two dollars and ninety-eight cents!
Miss Kao:  Here is three dollars. Keep the change.

高小姐 :   计程车! 计程车(一辆计程车停下来。她上车。)
高小姐 :   海滩大道的钻石饭店。大概要多少钱?
高小姐 :   昨天我从车站坐一辆计程车到钻石饭店,结果司机跟我要了六块钱。
高小姐 :   不是。
高小姐 :   你想他是不是故意绕圈子而不直接到我钻石饭店?
高小姐 :   可以赚多一点钱哪。他认为我是那种可以被占便宜的人。
高小姐 :   我并不知道有这种规定。
高小姐 :   是的。我可能还要再待上两个星期。
高小姐 :   谢谢你的忠告。多少钱?
高小姐 :   这里是三块钱不用找了。

15. At the Airport

Mrs. Fu: Hurry up! We don't have much time left.
Mr. Fu:  Take it easy. We still have two hours.
Mrs. Fu: Come on! This is my first time ever to take a plane. I don't want anything to go wrong.
Mr. Fu:  Let me take care of everything, all right? Now, let's go to the check-in counter.
Airline Clerk: May I see your tickets and passports, please?
Mr. Fu:  Here they are.
Airline Clerk: Would you put all your baggage on the scale, please?....Ah, thirty-eight kilos.
Mrs. Fu: Is that inside the free allowance?
Airline Clerk: Yes, we allow twenty kilos each.
Mrs. Fu: That's lucky! (To her husband) What's next?
Mr. Fu:  They'll have to check our baggage. Why don't you wait for me upstairs at the refreshment lounge?
Mrs. Fu: All right! (She goes off.)
Airline clerk:Open your baggage, please.
Mr. Fu:  Sure. (He opens the bags. The airline clerk examines them.)
Airline Clerk: All right. Thank you, sir.
Mr. Fu: (Upstairs at the lounge.) What did you order for me?
Mrs. Fu:Black coffee! What do we do now?
Mr. Fu:  Let me finish this coffee and then we will go to gate 5. They're announcing our flight.
Mrs. Fu: I didn't hear anything.
Mr. Fu:  It's on that sign board up there. See? UA 801. At gate 5! Have you paid the check yet?
Mrs. Fu: Yes.
Mr. Fu:  Let's go then.

傅太太 : 快点!我们没剩多少时间了。
傅先生 : 慢慢来别急。我们还有两个小时呢。
傅太太 : 快点!这是我生平第一次坐飞机。我可不想出什么差错。
傅先生 : 让我来处理所有的事好吗?现在,我们到报到处去。
傅先生 : 都在这儿。
傅太太 : 没有超过免费标准吧?
博太太 : 真好运!(对她先生)下一步呢?
傅先生 : 他们还要检查我们的行李。你何不到楼上的餐厅去等我?
傅太太 : 好。(她走了开。)
傅先生 : 没问题。(他打开行李。航空职员检查它们。)
傅先生 : (在楼上的餐厅)你帮我点了什么?
傅太太 : 纯咖啡。我们现主要做什么?
傅先生 : 让我把这杯咖啡喝完,然后就到五号登机门去。他们已经在叫我们登机了。
傅太太 : 我什么也没听到呀。
傅先生 : 在那边上面的荧幕板上,看到了吗?联合航空八-O号班机。在五号登机门.你付过账了吗?
傅太太 : 付过了。
傅先生 : 那我们走吧.
1. check in n.
2. free adj.
3. lounge n.
"Refreshment lounge" 指可边喝饮料或吃东西、边休息的场所。

16. Having a Haircut 

George: I'd like a haircut, please.
Barber: Would you care for a shave and a shampoo as well?
George: No, thanks!A haircut will be just fine.
Barber: All right. How do you like your hair cut?
George: Don't cut it too short on the sides and the back. Just trim it a little.
Barber: How about on top?
George: You can thin the top out a little, but just a little.
Barber: Very well.
George: Say, my hair is kind of oily, and dandruff bothers me very much. I've tried several shampoos in vain. Can you recommend me something effective?
Barber: Well, have you tried Head And Shoulders? It's supposed to be good for the dandruff.
George: I'll try it.
Barber: And you can try Vidal Sassoon's hair tonic. It's used after you wash your hair. It'll keep your hair clean-looking and oil-free.
George:I'll try that, too. Thank you, barber!
Barber:It's done. That will be five dollars and thirty cents.

乔治 :  请帮我剪个头发。
理发师: 要不要也修一修下面,洗个头?
乔治 :  不用了。剪头发就好。
理发师: 好的。你要剪什么样式?
乔治 :  两边和后面不要剪太短。只要稍微修一下就好。
理发师: 那头顶呢?
乔治 :  头顶部分可以剪薄一点,但也是只剪一点点就好。
理发师: 好的。
乔治 :  对了,我的头发蛮油的,而且头皮屑令我很困扰。我试过好几种洗发精,但是都没用。你能不能推荐个有效的?
理发师 :这,你试过伦仙度丝没有?它应该对消除头皮屑方面的问题很有用的。
乔治 :  我会试试看。
理发师 :另外你也可以试试威多撒颂的发水。洗完头之后使用,可以使你的头发看起来清爽而不油腻。
乔治 :  那我也要试试看。真谢谢你啊,理发师。
理发师: 剪好啦,总共是五块三毛钱。

17. At the Beauty Parlor

Hairdresser: It's been a long time, Mrs. Lee.
Mm. Lee:     Yes. I went to Hawaii on a vacation with my husband.
Hairdresser: When did you come back? Did you have a good time?
Mrs. Lee:    We came back the day before yesterday. I enjoyed myself there very much. The beach was beautiful. You should go there some day. The sun was lovely, too.
Hairdresser: I will. How would you like to do your hair today? The same style as usual?
Mrs. Lee:    I have a special party to attend tonight, and I'd like to change styles....Actually, I'm thinking about a perm. My sister is getting married next month. I think if I have a perm now, then it'll look natural by then. What do you say?
Hairdresser: That's true. Here are some samples of hair styles. What do you think about this one?
Mrs. Lee:    No, I don't like short hair....I like this one. The wave looks beautiful, and fits my age too.
Hairdresser: Very well. You're not in a hurry, are you?
Mrs. Lee:    No. You can take your time....Oh, I also want a manicure while I'm having the perm.
Hairdresser: OK. The manicurist will be right here.
Mrs. Lee:    Thank you. How much will this cost?
Hairdresser: It's one hundred and twenty dollars in all.

美发师: 好久不见了,李太太。
李太太: 是的。我和我先生到夏威夷度假去了。
美发师: 那什么时候回来的?玩得愉快吗?
李太太: 前天回来的。我玩得很开心。那儿的海滩好美啊。哪天你也应该去那儿玩玩。阳光也好可爱。
美发师: 我会的。你今天要做怎样的发型?和往常一样的吗?
李太太 :今晚我有个很特别的宴会要参加,所以我想换个发型。……事实上,我是在考虑烫头发。我妹妹下个月要结婚。我想如果我现在烫头发的话,到时候看起来就会很自然了,你说是不是啊?
美发师: 那倒没错。这里有几个发型的样本。你觉得这个如何?
李太太 :不好,我不喜欢短发。……我喜欢这个,卷得好漂亮,也适合我的年龄。
美发师: 好的。你不赶时间吧?
李太太: 不赶时间。你们可以慢慢来。……哦,我烫头发的时候想修个指甲。
美发师: 好的。修指甲师马上就过来。
李太太: 谢谢你,一共多少钱?
美发师: 总共是一百廿块钱。

18. At a Menswear Shop 

Shop- assistant: Can I help you?
Mrs. Liu:        I'm just looking at these jackets.
Shop- assistant: May I know who is it for? Maybe I can give you some suggestions.
Mrs. Liu:        Sure, it's for my son.
Shop- assistant: How old is he?
Mrs. Liu:        He is eighteen.
Shop- assistant: How tall is he?
Mrs. Liu:        He's about five feet eleven inches tall. He's very strong. I always buy him clothes of larger size.
Shop- assistant: I see. How about this one? It's very fashionable.
Mrs. Liu:        No. He prefers simple styles.
Shop- assistant: How about this one?
Mrs. Liu:        The style is all right, but I'm not sure about the color. He looks good in dark colors, but I always think that a young man should wear something lighter....I don't know. Let me think...
Shop- assistant: That's easy. They come in different colors. Here. There is dark blue, green, brown, black, ivory white, melon yellow, and sky blue.
Mrs. Liu:        Well....Can I change it if he doesn't like the color?
Shop- assistant: Of course.
Mrs. Liu:        I think I'll take the dark blue one.
Shop- assistant: Very well. That's fifty-nine dollars....Here is your receipt. Thank you, ma'am.

店员 :   需要我效劳吗?
刘太太 : 我只是看看这些夹克。
店员 :   能不能告诉我是帮谁买?我也许可以给您一些建议。
刘太太 : 好啊,是给我儿子买的。
店员 :   他今年多大了?
刘太太 : 十八岁。
店员 :   那他多高呢?
刘太太 : 他身高大约五尺十一寸时。他很壮。我通常都帮他买大号的衣服。
店员 :   我知道。这件如何?很流行的。
刘太太 : 不好。他比较喜欢简单的样式。
店员 :   那这件呢?
刘太太 : 款式是不错,但是颜色我就不敢说了。他穿深色的比较好看,不过我总觉得年轻人应该穿些颜色明亮的衣服,……我也不知道。……让我想想看。
店员 :   那简单。这衣服有不同的颜色。看,有深蓝、绿色、棕色、黑色、象牙白色、蜜瓜黄以及天空蓝。
刘太太 : 哦……如果这些颜色他不喜欢的话,我可不可以拿回来换?
店员 :   当然可以。
刘太太 : 我看我拿深蓝色的好了。
店员 :   好的,这件是五十九块钱,……这是您的收据。谢谢您,夫人。

19. A Christmas gift

Shop-assistant: May I help you, sir?
Mr. Yung:      Er …I wart to buy my wife a gift for Christmas, but I don't know what she would like.
Shop- assistant:How about an evening gown? These are all from Paris.
Mr. Yung:       No. She has very good taste in clothes. I don't want to take the risk.
Shop- assistant:What do you have in mind then?
Mr. Yung:       I'm thinking about jewelry or something valuable and won't be out of fashion.
Shop- assistant:We've got beautiful jewelry here. Not much, but each one is unique. If you're interested, I can show you.
Mr. Yung:       Do you give guarantees of their genuineness?
Shop- assistant:Yes, we do. (He leads Mr. Yung to another counter.) Here we are. Well, what do you think?
Mr. Yung:       They are lovely, I must say....Can I take a look at that necklace?
Shop- assistant: Which one? This one?
Mr. Yung:        No, no....The third one from the left....Yeah, that's the one. (Shop assistant gives him the necklace.) Is this ruby genuine?
Shop- assistant: We don't sell fakes here, sir. This one is a masterpiece, and I'm sure your wife will love it. You can't find a second one in New York, and it only costs you three thousand six hundred dollars. You can pay by cheque if you like.
Mr. Yung:         Three thousand six hundred? .... OK, I'll take it....Here is the cheque. Oh, please gift-wrap it.

店员:  我能效劳吗,先生?
杨先生 : 呃…我想给我太太买个圣诞礼物,但不知道她喜欢什么。
店员 :   买件晚礼服怎么样?都是巴黎进口的,
杨先生 : 不。它对衣服的品味很高。我可不想冒这个险。
店员 :   那您心中已有想好要买的东西了吗?
杨先生 : 我是想买些珠宝或那些不脱离流行的东西。
店员 :   我们这儿有漂亮的珠宝,不很多,但件件都是独一无二的精品。如果您有兴趣,我可以拿给您看。
杨先生:  你们保证这些珠宝都是真品吗?
店员 :   是的。(他带领杨先生到另外一个柜台。) 到了。……你觉得如何?
杨先生 : 我得承认它们都很美。……我可以看看那条项链吗?
店员 :   那一条?这一条吗?
杨先生 : 不,不。……左边算起第三条。……对了,就是那条。(店员给他那条项链。)这颗红宝石是真的吗?
店员 :   先生,我们这儿不卖假货。这条项链可是件杰作啊,而且我相信您夫人一定会喜欢它的。在纽约您绝对找不到第二条这种项链,而且它只要三千六百元。您愿意的话,也可以用支票付款。
杨先生 : 三千六百元?……好,我买了。……这是支票。(请用礼品包装)

20. Fixing Dinner 

Daughter: Is there anything I can do to help, Mom?
Mother:  Yes, just keep away from this kitchen.
Daughter:Come on, Mom. I want to help.
Mother:  You don't have to. Besides, it's almost done.
Daughter:Mom, I'm seventeen years old now. Ever since I was a little girl, you have never let me help you in the kitchen. Don't you think it's time for me to learn house-work?
Mother:  All right. If you really want to help, you can peel these potatoes and carrots.
Daughter:Good....How should I peel them? With a knife?
Mother:  No, with a peeler. It's in the left drawer over there.
Daughter:I see....Am I doing it right?
Mother:  Yes....Put this on the burner.
Daughter: (She puts it on the burner.) Shall I turn the burner on?
Mother:  No, not yet. Have you finished peeling?
Daughter: Almost. Anything else that I can do?
Mother:  Yes, open these cans. Here is the opener. After that you can set the table.
Daughter:My pleasure, Mom!

母亲 :好吧。如果你真的想帮忙,那你就帮我削这些马铃薯和红萝卜好了。
女儿 :好极了。……我要怎么削?用刀子吗?
母亲 :不是,用削皮的削。在那左边的抽屉。
女儿 :原来如此。……这样对吗?
母亲 :对。……把这个放在瓦斯炉上。
女儿 :(她把东西放在瓦斯炉上,)要不要开瓦斯炉?
母亲 :不,还不用。你削好了吗?
女儿 :快了。还有我可以帮得上忙的事吗?
母亲 :有把这些罐打开。开罐器在这儿。开完以后你可以去摆碗筷。
女儿 :亲爱的妈妈,我非常乐意。




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