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Music and Lyrics K歌情人

   Alex Fletcher (Hugh Grant) enjoyed considerable fame in the 1980s

in the band PoP! but after they disbanded, his songwriting partner Colin Thompson became a popular solo act, while Alex's own career nosedived. He supported himself by reprising his old hits for middle-aged fans, but even these minor opportunities are slowly drying up. Alex is given a chance at a comeback when teen star Cora Corman (Haley Bennett) commissions him to write a song called “Way Back Into Love” for her new CD leaving him only days to fulfill her request. However, Alex's forté is composing music; he always relied on Colin to supply the lyrics.

    During an unsuccessful attempt at a collaboration, Alex discovers that Sophie Fisher (Drew Barrymore), who waters his plants, has a gift for writing lyrics. Sophie, a former creative writing student reeling from a disastrous romance with her former English professor, Sloan Cates (Campbell Scott) initially refuses. Alex cajoles her into helping him by using a few quickly-chosen phrases she has given him as the basis for a song. Over the next few days, they write “A Way Back Into Love”, growing closer, much to the delight of Sophie’s older sister Rhonda (Kristen Johnston), a huge fan of Alex.

    Sophie and Alex struggle with their song.Barely meeting the deadline Cora has set for the song’s delivery, Alex and Sophie are thrilled when she accepts it; however, at a celebratory dinner with Alex’s manager Chris (Brad Garrett). Sophie is mortified to encounter Sloan. She confronts him but finds herself tongue-tied in his presence, and Alex’s own attempts to defend her result in a scuffle. Nursing their wounds back at Alex’s apartment, Alex and Sophie sleep together.

   Sophie is later horrified when she finds Cora plans to record a sexy interpretation of "Way Back into Love," complete with an Indian vibe which she feels clashes with the romantic spirit of the song. She is determined to convince Cora to abandon the arrangement, but Alex vetoes her efforts for fear he will lose Cora's goodwill. In the ensuing argument, he admits Cora's version is awful but contends accepting it is the cost of doing business. Upset by Alex's willingness to demean his talent and extremely hurt by his argument that Sloan Cates was right about her personality, Sophie leaves him.

   Sophie, intending to start a new life in Florida, reluctantly attends the opening of Cora's new tour at Madison Square Garden, at which Alex and Cora will debut “ Way Back Into Love”. Upon hearing that Alex is singing a new song “written by Alex Fletcher”, Sophie is upset to believe that Alex is stealing credit for her work; however, the song Alex sings is called "Don't Write Me Off", his plea for Sophie to give him another chance. Touched, Sophie finds Alex backstage, and he confesses he convinced Cora to drop the risqué version of "Way Back into Love" in an attempt to win Sophie back. He and Cora perform the tune as he and Sophie intended it to be sung, and the two songwriters embrace in the wings. The end of the movie (an homage to VH-1's 'Pop-Up Video') reveals that the song becomes a hit for Cora & Alex, the film version of Sloan's novel flops with critics. and moviegoers (ending his career), PoP! reunites for their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame where Colin winds up having his hip replaced after years of dancing, and Alex and Sophie go on to become successful partners, both in songwriting and romance.



Hugh Grant as Alex Fletcher
Drew Barrymore as Sophie Fisher
Brad Garrett as Chris Riley
Haley Bennett as Cora Corman
Campbell Scott as Sloan Cates
Kristen Johnston as Rhonda Fisher
Scott Porter as Colin Thompson
Matthew Morrison as Ray, Cora's Manager
(Grant, Bennett, and Barrymore all did their own singing in the film.)


  《Way back into love》
  Way back into love
  Hugh Grant & Haley Bennett
  休·格兰特 & 海利·贝内特
  I have been living with a shadow overhead
  I have been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
  I have been lonely for so long
  Trapped in the past I just can not seem to move on
  I have been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
  Just in case I ever need them again someday
  I have been setting aside time
  To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
  在我脑海角落里 清出一点空间
  All I want to do is find a way back into love
  I can not make it through without a way back into love Oh oh oh……
  在没有爱的陪同下 我无法生存下去 喔喔喔……
  I have been watching but the stars refuse to shine
  我一直在注视 却看不到星光
  I have been searching but I just do not see the signs
  我一直在寻找 却找不到迹象
  I know that it is out there
  There is got to be something for my soul somewhere
  I have been looking for someone to shed some light
  Not just somebody just to get me throught the night
  I could use some direction
  And I am open to your suggestions
  All I want to do is find a way back into love
  I can not make it through without a way back into love
  在没有爱的陪同下 我无法生存下去
  And if I open my heart again
  I guess I am hoping you will be there for me in the end
  我猜测 我希望你最终将会出现
  There are moments when I do not know if it is real
  有时 我不能肯定自己是否身在梦中
  Or if anybody feels the way I feel
  I need inspiration
  Not just another negotiation
  All I want to do is find a way back into love
  I can not make it through without a way back into love
  在没有爱的陪同下 我无法生存下去
  And if I open my heart to you
  I am hoping you will show me what to do
  And if you help me to start again
  You know that I will be there for you in the end
  你知道 我将会等你到永远

Secretly News Brief

  一直都扎根于浪漫爱情喜剧中的导演马克·劳伦斯(Marc Lawrence),早就琢磨着想要通过一部影片,去探索一下音乐人的内心世界,所以《K歌情人》应运而生。然而当谈起自己那不被人所知的音乐之路时,劳伦斯却忍不住发出了悲叹:“我虽然拥有自己的乐队,却是一个非常糟糕的音乐人,这种凭兴趣组建的乐团,玩票的性质比较大。但有一点是能确定的。我对创作歌曲的这个过程非常地着迷。好在我最终制作了一部描述音乐人的影片。如果我将目标对准编剧。难保不会结合进自己的生活。倒显得我在借影片向观众吐苦水了。不过无论是音乐人。还是编剧。他们的创作过程都是一样的。这是一个我非常熟悉的领域。更何况里面还有我的另一个最爱:音乐。”
  为了让影片中这对初出茅庐的写歌二人组阿莱克斯和苏菲在情感与音乐上的互动更加真实可信,马克·劳伦斯特别考查了音乐史上多个传奇的二人组合,例如埃尔顿·约翰(Elton John)和伯尼·托平(Bernie Taupin):“在许多著名的音乐搭档中。通常都是一个人作曲。另一个人填词。很少有人能够一手包揽词曲的创作。虽然只有两个人。仍然会在创作的过程中产生冲突与矛盾。他们担任着特殊的角色。可是一首完整的歌却是在两人的通力合作下完成的……这样的组合身上,本来就有许多喜剧元素可供挖掘。” 而音乐人到了马克·劳伦斯的手中,也应该具备与众不同的背景,于是《K歌情人》中的二人组每一个人背后都有一段不同寻常的故事:阿莱克斯曾经是一个流行了一时的著名乐队的成员之一,如今他的搭档单飞,在音乐界取得了更大的成就,阿莱克斯的名字却正在被时间的洪流一点一点淹没,沦为只能在小型的地方游乐园驻唱的三流歌手。好在命运的女神并未抛弃他,当今流行乐中最红的“少女”乐团主唱卡罗·柯曼邀请阿莱克斯为自己的下一张专辑写歌……劳伦斯将这个转折当成了阿莱克斯生命中的一个机会:“卡罗·柯曼有点像曾经的小甜甜,是流行音乐的浪尖人物,而她希望阿莱克斯可以创作一首情侣对唱歌曲,由他们共同演绎。卡罗只负责给歌起名为《找回爱情》,剩下的就都需要阿莱克斯来完成了--这首歌不但会收录在新专辑中成为主打,卡罗还将和阿莱克斯在麦迪逊花园广场的舞台上合唱这首歌……”如日中天的卡罗之所以选择了过气的阿莱克斯,源于她儿时的一个梦想,可以说阿莱克斯是指引她步入音乐界的“导师”。她天真地认为阿莱克斯只是处于一个休整阶段。而对于阿莱克斯来说,这是一个千载难逢的机会,可以帮他重新回到流行音乐界。
  为了创造出阿莱克斯以前乐队的代表作,同时还能够代表他的声音符号,马克·劳伦斯特别找来当今美国摇滚音乐和民谣音乐领域中的奇才--亚当·施莱辛格(Adam Schlesinger),弗恩水泉合唱团(Fountains of Wayne)主要的音乐人之一,同时也是劳伦斯最喜爱的合唱团。施莱辛格曾为汤姆·汉克斯的影片《挡不住的奇迹》(That Thing You Do)写过主题曲,而影片中阿莱克斯和苏菲合作的第一首歌《找回爱情》,就是出自他手。









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