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    约翰娜·斯比丽,女,1827年生于瑞士苏黎世附近的一个村庄,父亲是一名医生,母亲则是一位诗人,家里兄弟姐妹众多。也从小就接受良好的教育,后到苏黎世求学,并为以后的儿童文学创作打下坚实的基础。1852年她跟约翰·伯恩哈德·斯比丽结婚,第三年便生下儿子伯恩哈德,但由于她儿子长期患病,1884年去世,同年,她的丈夫也因和病离开了她。 约翰娜·斯比丽是一位举世闻名的儿童文学家。从1879年起她写了大量的作品,这些故事的书名总冠以“献给孩子以及那些热爱孩子的人们的故事”。其中最著名的就是《海蒂》。除了本书之外,斯比丽的重要作品还有《在弗里尼坎上的一片叶子》《没有故事》《格里特利的孩子们》等。 1901年的一个星期天的下午,约翰娜·斯比丽死于一场重病,而此时出版的《海蒂》已经第18次印刷。 



   “Heidi” is a delightful story for children of life in the Alps, one of many tales written by the Swiss authoress, Johanna Spyri, who died in her home at Zurich in 1891. She had been well known to the younger readers of her own country since 1880, when she published her


story, Heimathlos, which ran into three or more editions, and which, like her other books, as she states on the title page, was written for those who love children, as well as for the youngsters themselves. Her own sympathy with the instincts and longings of the child’s heart is shown in her picture of Heidi. The record of the early life of this Swiss child amid the beauties of her passionately loved mountain-home and during her exile in the great town has been for many years a favorite book of younger readers in Germany and America.

    Madame Spyri, like Hans Andersen, had by temperament a peculiar skill in writing the simple histories of an innocent world. In all her stories she shows an underlying desire to preserve children alike from misunderstanding and the mistaken kindness that frequently hinder the happiness and natural development of their lives and characters. The authoress, as we feel in reading her tales, lived among the scenes and people she describes, and the setting of her stories has the charm of the mountain scenery amid which she places her small actors.
    Her chief works, besides Heidi, were:– Am Sonntag; Arthur und Squirrel; Aus dem Leben; Aus den Schweizer Bergen; Aus Nah und Fern; Aus unserem, Lande; Cornelli wird erzogen; Einer vom Hause Lesa; 10 Geschichten fur Yung und Alt; Kurze Geschichten, 2 vols.; Gritli’s Kinder, 2 vols.; Heimathlos; Im Tilonethal; In Leuchtensa; Keiner zu Klein Helfer zu sein; Onkel Titus; Schloss Wildenstein; Sina; Ein Goldener Spruch; Die Hauffer Muhle; Verschollen, nicht vergessen; Was soll deim aus ihr werden; Was aus ihr Geworden ist. M.E. 



Heidi & GrandpaHeidi & Grandpa




    “Heidi” is a deligThe orphan child Heidi first lives with her aunt Dete, but Dete would like to concentrate on her career. So she brings Heidi to her grandfather, a queer old man living in an alpine cottage far from the next village (he is therefore called Alm-Uncle, Alpöhi or Almöhi in German). Alm-Uncle is good-hearted but mistrusts anybody and wants to keep the child from all evils of the world. So he refuses to send Heidi to school; instead she goes to the pastures, together with Peter, a shepherd boy looking after the goats (Geissenpeter = goat-Peter in German). This (all too harmonious) apine idyll finds a sudden end when aunt Dete comes in again and brings Heidi to Frankfurt (Germany) where she shall stay with Clara, the paralyzed daughter of a rich family, and learn something. 


    Thanks to the grandmother of Clara, Heidi learns to read but she can't get acquainted to the strict discipline in a bourgeois upper class house (personified by governess Fraulein Rottenmeier). She is very lonesome and gets depressed by the gray anonymous city. Heidi becomes ill of homesickness, she starts to walk in her sleep. Miss Rottenmeier is alarmed, not because of the fate of the poor child, but rather because she thinks that there are ghosts in the old house. Finally Clara's father Herr Stresemann and the sympathetic doctor of the family decide to stay up till midnight and find out about the ghosts. When the doctor sees Heidi walking around in her sleep, he finds the right diagnosis and sends her back to the alps. 
     Next summer, Clara visits Heidi there. They go to the pastures and Heidi shows Clara all the beauty of her world. Peter gets terribly jealous, and in a moment when he feels unobserved, he pushes the empty wheelchair down to the valley so it gets smashed. Clara wants to see the flowers and is forced to walk - and her desire is strong enough that she overcomes her handicap. Healings at body, spirit and soul in that healthy Alpine world - end well, all well.

The VillageThe Village



   Visitors from all over the world will find themselves transported back to the time of the story of Heidi when they come to Johanna Spyri's "Heidihaus" (Heidi's house), in Heidi's Village (Heididorf) at Maienfeld. The theme of Heidi's Village is "Heidi: yesterday - today - tomorrow". It is an experience that is likely to warm the hearts of children and please adult Heidi fans as well.



Heidi Movies from 1920 to 2001

1920         The first film production on Heidi was a silent movie made in USA
1937         Sound film by Allan Dawn starring Shirley Temple as Heidi
1952         Swiss film production by Luigi Comencini starring Elsbeth Sigmund as Heidi, Thomas Klameth as Geissenpeter and Heinrich Gretler (one of Switzerland's best know actors) as Alpöhi. This was probably the most successful Swiss movie in the USA (300 copies in 4300 movie theaters).
1955         Franz Schnyder tries to follow on his own successful 1954/1955 film productions dealing with stories by Jeremias Gotthelf (a    conservative early 19th century Swiss writer) and presents his own version of Heidi (same leading actors as in Comencini's production). Schnyder's Heidi is the first color movie produced in Switzerland - (all too) obviously in the service of tourism-advertising
1965         Austrian film production starring Eva Maria Sieghammer as Heidi
1967/68      American production starring Jennifer Edwards as Heidy
1977         Japanese animated cartoon films (a television series consisting of 52 issues), very successful also in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
1979         German televion series (26 issues) starring Katja Polletin (Austria) as Heidi, Stefan Arpagaus (Switzerland) as Geissenpeter and Katharina Böhm as Clara
1988         Alienation of the subject matter: Michael Douglas produces Courage Mountain in Austria. Heidi and Peter are presented as a young courting couple during World War I
1992         Short television series by Walt Disney
2001         The recent Swiss Heidi film production by Markus Imboden keeps roughly to the traditional action frame, but modernizes the details radically - concerning both the psychology of the figures (the stubborn Geissenpeter has changed into a cool boy) and the hightech accessories (Heidi and Peter communicate via internet and mobile phone SMS [short message service, very popular among European teenagers]).
2001         Remake of the successful Japanese comic series of 1977

(1937 by 秀兰·邓波儿)




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