Lake Poets
他们都在华兹华斯的故乡,英格兰西北部坎布里亚郡内的湖区居住过多年,都写过不少歌咏湖光山色的田园诗,都有“回到大自然中去”的思想倾向。在 1817年8 月号的《爱丁堡评论》中被他们的共同笔友弗朗西斯·杰弗里戏称为湖畔派或湖畔学派。拜伦贬称他们为“湖畔人”。一般说,湖畔派诗人代表消极浪漫主义倾向,恶魔派代表积极浪漫主义精神。虽然湖畔派诗人在与古典主义的斗争中有过贡献,在诗歌的艺术上有较深的造诣,但其历史地位远不及撤旦派重要。他们早年向往法国大革命,以后转向保守立场,主张恢复封建宗法制。在文学上,共同反对古典主义传统,向往唯情论,歌颂大自然。通过缅怀中古的淳朴来否定现实的城市文明。其中华兹华斯的《抒情歌谣集.序言》成为英国浪漫主义的宣言。他的代表诗作是《丁登寺》 。柯勒律治的代表作是《古舟子咏》 ,充满神秘怪诞色彩。骚塞的长诗《审判的幻景》是谄媚英国王室之作。
The Lake Poets all lived in the Lake District of England at the turn of the nineteenth century.
As a group, they followed no single "school" of thought or literary practice then known, although
their works were uniformly disparaged by the Edinburgh Review. They are considered part of the
Romantic Movement.
The three main figures of what has become known as the Lake School were William Wordsworth,
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey. They were associated with several other poets
and writers, including Dorothy Wordsworth, Charles Lloyd, Hartley Coleridge, John Wilson,
and Thomas De Quincey.
The beauty of the Lake District has also inspired many other poets over the years, beyond t
he core Lake Poets. These include James Payn, Bryan Procter, Felicia Hemans and Walter Scott.
他们都在华兹华斯的故乡,英格兰西北部坎布里亚郡内的湖区居住过多年,都写过不少歌咏湖光山色的田园诗,都有“回到大自然中去”的思想倾向。在 1817年8 月号的《爱丁堡评论》中被他们的共同笔友弗朗西斯·杰弗里戏称为湖畔派或湖畔学派。拜伦贬称他们为“湖畔人”。一般说,湖畔派诗人代表消极浪漫主义倾向,恶魔派代表积极浪漫主义精神。虽然湖畔派诗人在与古典主义的斗争中有过贡献,在诗歌的艺术上有较深的造诣,但其历史地位远不及撤旦派重要。他们早年向往法国大革命,以后转向保守立场,主张恢复封建宗法制。在文学上,共同反对古典主义传统,向往唯情论,歌颂大自然。通过缅怀中古的淳朴来否定现实的城市文明。其中华兹华斯的《抒情歌谣集.序言》成为英国浪漫主义的宣言。他的代表诗作是《丁登寺》 。柯勒律治的代表作是《古舟子咏》 ,充满神秘怪诞色彩。骚塞的长诗《审判的幻景》是谄媚英国王室之作。
The Lake Poets all lived in the Lake District of England at the turn of the nineteenth century.
As a group, they followed no single "school" of thought or literary practice then known, although
their works were uniformly disparaged by the Edinburgh Review. They are considered part of the
Romantic Movement.
The three main figures of what has become known as the Lake School were William Wordsworth,
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey. They were associated with several other poets
and writers, including Dorothy Wordsworth, Charles Lloyd, Hartley Coleridge, John Wilson,
and Thomas De Quincey.
The beauty of the Lake District has also inspired many other poets over the years, beyond t
he core Lake Poets. These include James Payn, Bryan Procter, Felicia Hemans and Walter Scott.
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