God is Dead
Friends, today we start a series of new talk: "God is dead, Now Zen is the Only Living Truth." which is especially for Nietzsche. He is the first one who declares: "God is dead, human is free."
It's a terrible word, which has many meanings. First of all I want to discuss Nietzsche's word.
All religions believe that God made the world and humankind. But if other thing creates you, then you are merely a puppet without any soul. If other thing creates you, then he can destroy you anytime. He won't ask you whether you want to be created, nor will he ask you whether you want to be destroyed.
God is the biggest dictator, if you accept the fiction that God created the world and human. If God is a fact, then humans are slaves or puppets. The rope is in his hand, even your life. Then there is no problem of enlightenment, undoubtedly there is no Buddha, because there is no freedom at all. He pulls the rope, and you dance. He pulls the rope, then you cry. He pulls the rope, and you begin to murder, suicide and battle. You are merely a puppet, while he is the person who manipulates the puppet.
Then there is neither crime nor virtue, neither sinner nor sage, neither good nor bad, because you are just a puppet. A puppet can't be responsible for his behavior. Responsibility only belongs to the person who has behavioral freedom.
Either God exists, or freedom exists, it's impossible for both to exist.
That's the basic meaning of Nietzsche's words: God is dead, so human is free.
Neither theologists nor organigers of religion have thought this: if you accept that God is creator then you are destroying the dignity of consciousness, freedom and love, you take away all responsibilities, and all freedom as well. You have reduced the whole existence into the illusion of a strange fellow, who is called God.
But Nietzsche's words are just one half of a coin. He's entirely right, but just one half of a coin. He has said an important and meaningful word, but he forgets one thing, because his words are based on not meditation but sense, logic and intellect.
Friends, today we start a series of new talk: "God is dead, Now Zen is the Only Living Truth." which is especially for Nietzsche. He is the first one who declares: "God is dead, human is free."
It's a terrible word, which has many meanings. First of all I want to discuss Nietzsche's word.
All religions believe that God made the world and humankind. But if other thing creates you, then you are merely a puppet without any soul. If other thing creates you, then he can destroy you anytime. He won't ask you whether you want to be created, nor will he ask you whether you want to be destroyed.
God is the biggest dictator, if you accept the fiction that God created the world and human. If God is a fact, then humans are slaves or puppets. The rope is in his hand, even your life. Then there is no problem of enlightenment, undoubtedly there is no Buddha, because there is no freedom at all. He pulls the rope, and you dance. He pulls the rope, then you cry. He pulls the rope, and you begin to murder, suicide and battle. You are merely a puppet, while he is the person who manipulates the puppet.
Then there is neither crime nor virtue, neither sinner nor sage, neither good nor bad, because you are just a puppet. A puppet can't be responsible for his behavior. Responsibility only belongs to the person who has behavioral freedom.
Either God exists, or freedom exists, it's impossible for both to exist.
That's the basic meaning of Nietzsche's words: God is dead, so human is free.
Neither theologists nor organigers of religion have thought this: if you accept that God is creator then you are destroying the dignity of consciousness, freedom and love, you take away all responsibilities, and all freedom as well. You have reduced the whole existence into the illusion of a strange fellow, who is called God.
But Nietzsche's words are just one half of a coin. He's entirely right, but just one half of a coin. He has said an important and meaningful word, but he forgets one thing, because his words are based on not meditation but sense, logic and intellect.
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