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1.Mad Hatter 疯狂的帽商
A character in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Because of the chemicals used in hat-making, workers often suffered from mercury poisoning, which can cause loss of memory and damage to the nervous system.
这是刘易斯 卡洛《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的一个角色,也就是在迪士尼2010年同名大片《爱丽丝漫游记中Johnny Depp扮演的角色。疯狂的帽商就像电影中所演绎的一样,是一个经常失意的的有些癫狂的角色。这一习语在英语语言中经常用来形容人的精神疯癫获行为怪异。类似的短语还有:
As mad as a hatter
As mad as a March hare (像三月的兔子一样怪异,因为三月的兔子在交配期间行为怪异)

2. Red Herring n. 转移注意力的次要时间(或想法、事实等)
A fact or idea that is not important but is introduced to take attention away from the points that are important.
Origion: From the custom of using the scent of a smoked dried herring (which was red) to train dogs to hunt.
Herring:cn. A long thin silver sea fish that can be eaten 鲱鱼
Shoals of herring 鲱鱼群
Fresh herring fillets 新鲜的鲱鱼片
Pickled herrings 研制的鲱鱼
e.g. There’s lots of good fish in the sea…maybe…but the vast masses seem to be mackerel or herring, and if you’re not mackerel or ferring yourself you are likely to find very few good fish in the sea.
------ From Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence




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