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GRE Issue高频提纲——教育类


1. The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes.
a) 对于自然学科的学习,给了我们科学知识,让我们了解了世界的本质;对进化论evolutionism的学习可以使我们改变了过去认为上帝创造了世界的观点,而科学的认为所有物种都是逐渐进化而来的。魏格纳的板块学说使我们认识到现状的大陆不断漂移而不是恒久不变的,非洲和南美洲过去曾经是相连的 continental drift and plate tectonics
b) 对哲学和社会学科的学习,让我们学会用辩证,发展的眼光来看待问题;如:dialectic辩证法教给我们将事物一分为二的看待,有好有坏;Every coin has two sides.
c) 专业知识的学习,跟使得我们倾向于使用我们的专业知识来看待问题。(例如我们看一栋房子,我学经济会考虑房屋是否经济,我同学建筑会考虑房屋的结构如何,学平面设计或者艺术会首先想到怎样来不知和装饰;
2. "The purpose of education should be to create an academic environment that is separate from the outside world. This kind of environment is ideal because it allows students to focus on important ideas without being held back by practical concerns."
3. "For better or worse, education is a process that involves revising the ideas, beliefs, and values people held in the past."
4. "It is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. In reality, however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free."
5. "The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas -- not to prepare them for a specific job." 
6. "Learning for learning's sake is an outdated concept. Today, education must serve an ulterior purpose and be directed toward clear goals."
7. "It is dangerous to trust only intelligence."



1. "How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."
a) 儿童的社会化对于社会的未来很重要,儿童的社会化培养了儿童生活自理能力,基本的知识与技能,为价值观,道德的形成奠定了基础。比如孩子在游戏总表现出来的勇敢,领导,协作,诚实,与通过。如果人们由于不当的社会化导致了antisocial, 未来对社会只会造成危害
b) 但是社会的未来不仅仅决定与儿童的社会化,还有许多其他因素,卓越的领导人改变了社会的命运,Mahatma Gandhi改变了印度社会的命运,但是他的成功源自内心对自由的信仰,而不是来自出身印度上流社会的社会化。罗斯福Roosevelt虽然从小受残疾的影响没有很好的socially developed,性格也古怪。但是依靠New Deal给美国社会注入了强大的动力。
c) 现实的证据证明我们也掌握了很多进行儿童社会化的手段和方法,否则今天社会那些取得的卓越成就从哪里来。今天社会greater tolerance of differing viewpoints and people who are different from ourselves, 尊重和保护 individual rights, and greater cooperation across cultural and national boundaries, 都是由the most recent half-century创造的.今天的社会更加尊重妇女的权利,对黑人的歧视越来越少。社会对处在失业的,helpless的人给予更多的帮助。
2. "Education encourages students to question and criticize, and therefore does little to promote social harmony." 
3. "Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators."
a) 孩子有大段时间是不在学校的,但其健康成长应该是全面的full-scale教育,而不仅仅是学校教育。如:家长带孩子外出旅游,就可增加他们与大自然的接触,培养出眼界开阔的孩子broaden their horizon。若父母不参与到教育中,不在学校的时间孩子可能玩电游,或在一起看暴力片violence、或打架斗殴。
b) 但是父母虽然看起来最了解孩子,最知道孩子需要学习什么,以及学习的方式。但是他们往往会误导自己的孩子。父母对于自己生活中的某种遗憾会变成对孩子的期望,不能真正让孩子学习自己感兴趣的东西。比如父母当年喜欢物理,但是确没能在物理上有所成就。于是期望自己的孩子能在物理上有所成就,但是孩子喜欢音乐,父母的意见压抑了孩子的兴趣。
c) 父母过多的参与会扰乱正常的教学秩序。如果是home-schooling,即使可以请好的老师单独教育孩子,但是孩子缺乏与其他同龄人的接触,会造成性格上的孤立不能很好的融入社会。
d) 而专业的老师,受过教育心理学,相关的学习与培训,更容易引导学生进行有效的学习。比如培养学生兴趣,耐心的知道孤立表现不好的学生。



1. "The best way to teach -- whether as an educator, employer, or parent -- is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones."
2. "College students -- and people in general -- prefer to follow directions rather than make their own decisions. Therefore, colleges should eliminate as many choices as possible in order to offer students clear direction."
3. "Colleges should require students to engage in public-service activities in order to assure that each student receives a balanced, well-rounded education."



1. "Education is primarily a personal matter; it has little to do with school or college."
2. "Society should identify those children who have special talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually excel in their areas of ability. Otherwise, these talents are likely to remain undeveloped."
a) 不可否认,有些神童的确是在小时候开始培养的。某些领域需要从小开始积累,联系,以后才可能有所成就,比如音乐,体育。例如莫扎特Mozart和贝多芬Beethoven。比如体操,小时候身体条件适合练习和培养,长大了就错过时机了。
b) 判断一个小孩是否有天赋是很难的事情,仅看IQ或者EQ是不能得出结论的。比如Einstein小时候别人就认为他是个普通的小孩,读大学前人们也没看出什么优点,但是没有人否认他是20世纪最伟大的物理学家。而且有些领域如果小孩没有接触到,是不可能发现他有这方面天赋的,比如音乐。而且小孩子所谓的天赋也许只是一时的兴趣造成的,兴趣是会随着时间改变的,也许天赋在其他方面,比如De Broglie小时候在文学literature方面有天赋,但是后来确是在物理上有更大的成就
c) 成就的原因有多种,比如自身努力;即使对这些小孩重点培养了,他们也不一定能够成为科学家,艺术家。Genetic reason固然重要,但是后天的努力是占很大的比例的,Edison就说过,achievement equals to 1% genius plus 99% diligence。所以自身努力是很重要的。更多的大师和有所成就的人是靠自己成年后的努力才得到的,比如Wegner等
d) 其他相关培养只注重于这些小孩特别技能的培养而忽视其他方面比如心理,文化知识的教育,会对他们的成长有损害。他们很可能因此人格有缺陷,这样反而可能对社会带来危害。如果对某一部分孩子进行特殊的培养,就会使得其它孩子产生自卑self-abasement的心里,也不利于其它孩子的发展,毕竟在某方面有天赋的小孩还是少数。



1. "It is primarily through formal education that a culture tries to perpetuate the ideas it favors and discredit the ideas it fears."
2. "College and university education should be free for all students, fully financed by the government." 
3. "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."


1.."Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move to the opposite direction-in other words, to make things as simple as possible."
2. "Students should be encouraged to realize that mental agility and rhetorical skill must be accompanied by sincerity and the true conviction of their own beliefs."
3. "Education should be equally devoted to enriching the personal lives of students and to training students to be productive workers." 
4. "Some educational systems emphasize the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions."





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