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  1、Do you have the dealings with the Japanese Company?
  2、How percentage do you deal all over the world? Ex) America 40%, Europe 50%, Asia 10%?
  3、How percentage of the Frame do you production?
  4、Number of your Designer
  5、Production Lead time
  7、The number of employees
  8、Which can you use the material?
  9、Can you polish the Glass edge?
  10、Can you use Acrylics instead of glass?
  11、What kind of machine do you use?
  12、What kind of finishing is possible for you?
  13、What kind of paint do you use?
  14、Are you testing the quality of your products? For example Color.
  15、Can you print our original Face Paper?
  16、Can we send the print Data by Illustlator Data.
  17、Can you make the Matt Paper? 2mm thickness.
  18、What kind of box do you have?
  19、Please let me know the development schedule of new items.
  In order to visit you again, we want to know the release time of new items.
  20、Is there any vacation in connection with production of items?
  21.Size of Factory, how many square meters:
  22. Number of Workers at Factory
  23.Shipping Port:
  24. What is the main production material of your factory:
  25. What are your top three selling items:
  26. How many containers does your factory ship each month.
  27. Do you sell to United States customers directly, or do you sell through a trading company:
  28 . Does your factory have an Export License or do you work through an Export Agent:
  29. Which airport is the closest to your factory?
  30. Which hotel would be the closest to your factory?




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