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Where Muslim and Jew Once Lived in Tolerance


By Maria Rosa Menocal The lessons of history, like the lessons of religion, sometimes neglect examples of tolerance. A thousand years ago on the Iberian Peninsula,1 an enlightened vision of Islam2 had created the most advanced culture in Europe.

Al Andalus,3 as the Muslims called their Spanish homeland, prospered in a culture of openness and assimilation.4 A nun named Hroswitha, called it "the ornament of the world."5 Her admiration stemmed from the cultural prosperity of the caliphate6 based in Cordoba,7 where the library housed some 400,000 volumes at a time when the largest library in Christendom8 probably held no more than 400.

What strikes us today about Al Andalus is that it was a chapter of European history during which Jews, Christians and Muslims lived side by side and, despite intractable differences and enduring hostilities,9 nourished a culture of tolerance.

This only sometimes meant guarantees of religious freedoms comparable to those we would expect in a modern "tolerant?state. Rather, it was the often unconscious acceptance of contradictions on an individual level as well as within the culture itself.10

For many who came to know Andalusian culture throughout the Middle Ages, whether at first hand or from afar—from reading a translation produced there or from hearing a poem sung by one of its renowned singers—the bright lights of that world, and their illumination of the rest of the universe, transcended differences of religion.

It was in Al Andalus that the profoundly Arabized Jews rediscovered and reinvented Hebrew poetry. Much of what was created and instilled11 under Muslim rule survived in Christian territories, and Christians embraced nearly all aspects of Arabic style—from philosophy to architecture.

Christian palaces and churches, like Jewish synagogues,12 were often built in the style of the Muslims, the walls often covered with Arabic writing; one synagogue in Toledo even includes inscriptions from the Koran.13

And it was throughout medieval Europe that men of unshakable faith like the two great philosophers of Al Andalus, Maimonides14 the Jew and Averroes15 the Muslim, saw no contradiction in pursuing the truth, whether philosophical or scientific or religious, across confessional lines.16

This was an approach to life—and its artistic, intellectual and religious pursuits—that was contested by many, sometimes violently, as it is today. Yet it remained a powerful force for hundreds of years.

Whether it is because of our mistaken notions about the relative backwardness of the Middle Ages or our own contemporary expectations that culture, religion and political ideology will be roughly consistent, we are likely to be taken aback by many of the lasting monuments of this Andalusian culture.17

The caliphate was not destroyed, as our cliches of the Middle Ages18 would have it, by Christian-Muslim warfare. It lasted for several hundred years—roughly the lifespan of the American republic to date—and its downfall was a series of terrible civil wars among Muslims.

These wars were a struggle between the old ways of the caliphate—with its libraries filled with Greek texts and its government staffed by non-Muslims—and reactionary Muslims, many of them from Morocco,19 who believed the Cordobans were not proper Muslims.

But in the end, much of Europe far beyond the Andalusian world was shaped by the vision of complex and contradictory identities that was first made into an art form by the Andalusians. The enemies of this kind of cultural openness have always existed within each of our monotheistic religions,20 and often enough their visions of those faiths have triumphed.

But at this time of year, and at this point in history, we should remember those moments when it was tolerance that won the day.

1.Iberian Peninsula: 伊比利亚半岛(欧洲西南部)。
2.enlightened vision of Islam: 伊斯兰教的远见卓识。enlightened: 开明的,没有偏见的;Islam: 既指伊斯兰教,又指伊斯兰教徒。
3. Al Andalus: 阿尔·安达卢西,这是穆斯林对西班牙南部一地区Andalusia(安达卢西亚)的称呼。
4. a culture of openness and assimilation: 一种开放、融合的文化。
5. the ornament of the world: 可直译为“世界的亮点”,亦可转译为“异彩纷呈的世界”。ornament: 点缀、装饰或增添光彩的人/事物。
6. caliphate: 哈里发的辖地。哈里发(caliph),穆罕默德的继承人,中世纪政教合一的阿拉伯国家和奥斯曼帝国国家元首的称号。
7. Cordoba: 科多巴,西班牙地名,当时伊斯兰教统治西班牙的中心。Cordoban, 科多巴人。
8. Christendom: 基督教世界。
9. intractable differences and enduring hostilities: 难以消除的分歧和长期的对抗。
10. 恰恰相反,它(指三教和平相处)常常是在个人之间,同时也在文化本身范围之内,无意识地相互接受彼此的差别。(也就是说,这种宽容并不是出于无可奈何,而是已深入到其文化习俗的底蕴里面。)
11.created and instilled: 创造和灌输。What is created常常是具体的,物质的;而what is instilled常常是抽象的,精神的。
12. Jewish synagogue: 犹太教堂。
13. Koran: 《古兰经》,伊斯兰教的“圣经”。
14. Maimonides: 迈蒙尼德(1135-1204),犹太教法学家、哲学家、科学家,出生于西班牙,定居埃及。
15. Averroes: 阿威罗伊(1126-1198),伊斯兰哲学家,将伊斯兰传统学说和希腊哲学融为一体,并评注过亚里士多德的作品和柏拉图的《共和国》。
16.confessional lines: 信仰的界限。
17.lasting monuments of this Andalusian culture: 这种安达卢西亚文化持久的丰碑。
18.cliches of the Middle Ages: 关于中世纪的“陈辞偏见”。cliche法语借用词,指陈辞滥调,套话或偏见。
19.Morocco: 摩洛哥,北非的一个伊斯兰教国家。
20.monotheistic religions: 一神教的宗教。monotheism, 一神教,同“多神教”相对,指只信奉一个神的宗教,如犹太教、基督教、伊斯兰教等。



想不到,不久前在《国际先驱论坛报》(International Herald Tribune)上读到了一篇与我们对中世纪的印象颇有出入的文章。作者是耶鲁大学的教授,其《异彩纷呈的世界:穆斯林、犹太人和基督徒如何在中世纪的西班牙创造了一个宽容的文化》 一书即将出版。据称,穆斯林与犹太人曾有过一段“互相宽容、和睦相处”的佳话。而且时间恰好就在中世纪,地点就在西班牙。看来,历史的多样性和复杂性在经历了一千年之后确实是被大大地简化了。

文章说,西班牙的安达卢西亚(Al Andalus)揭开了欧洲历史的新篇章。尤其在科多巴(Cordoba)的哈里发辖地(Caliphate),犹太人、基督徒和穆斯林摈弃纷争与对抗,比邻而居,培育了一种宽容的文化。在那儿,阿拉伯化了的犹太人再一次发现并发明了希伯来诗歌。穆斯林在基督教领土上统治时留下的物质和精神遗产大多能幸存下来;而且,基督徒上至哲学下至建筑均能包容阿拉伯的风格。如当时的一些犹太教堂的墙上甚至还写满阿拉伯文字。其中一处还刻有《古兰经》。文章还指出,在中世纪的数百年时间里,欧洲出现了一些像迈蒙尼德、阿威罗伊那样各自有坚定的信仰,又能跨越教派的界线去追求真理而不致冲突的著名学者、思想家;即使是基督徒-穆斯林之间的战争,也没有摧毁哈里发的辖地。这样一个图书馆里藏有大量希腊文作品,政府部门雇佣非穆斯林职员的异彩纷呈的文明世界一直延续了两、三百年,相当于今日美利坚合众国的历史。 看看今日的中东乃至世界,我们不得不感慨于西方的一句格言:What we learn from history is that we have never learned from history (我们从历史那里得到的教训是我们从不吸取历史的教训)。

918年,当时在巴勒斯坦的英国殖民者允许犹太人在这片已属于阿拉伯人的领土上建立以色列国,从那时起,巴以冲突已持续了近一个世纪。三次中东战争,以色列主要在美国的支持下打败了阿拉伯人,侵占了阿拉伯世界特别是巴勒斯坦大量领土,拒不归还,还在巴勒斯坦的领土上建了数百个定居点,大有永久吞并的企图。当今所谓的巴勒斯坦“自治领土”只占原来巴勒斯坦地区的23%,而且还被以色列分割成一块块“飞地”, 巴勒斯坦人来往于自己的土地之间都要经过以色列哨卡士兵的层层盘问和搜身。不仅人格常常受到侮辱,有时还有生命危险。巴勒斯坦人一直有一个梦想:建立巴勒斯坦国。但是,由于以色列的阻挠,这个愿望至今仍无法实现,而且遥遥无期。以色列想要的只是停火,即要巴勒斯坦人放弃抵抗;而巴勒斯坦人想要的是建国;二者之间的差距何其大! 二战期间的犹太人是最值得同情的,因为纳粹德国对犹太人实施种族灭绝政策,屠杀了六百万犹太人。但是,分布在全世界,有上千万人口的犹太人作为一个民族不会灭亡。而二战后至今,苦难最为深重的民族无疑是巴勒斯坦人,他们失去了自己的家园,基本上手无寸铁,却遭受世界上最先进、最残忍的武器的袭击。然而同犹太人当年一样,拥有六百万民众的巴勒斯坦,即使圣殿被捣毁、领袖遭逮捕、人民被杀戮,作为一个民族,它也将永存下去。

就是这样的两个民族,它们既然永远也不能完全把对方“吃”掉,本应该较为宽容、现实地"Live and let live",而结果却是一方一意孤行要强行"Bully and make bullied"。令人不解的是这种做法还受到其民众的拥护与大国的支持。显然,这里宽容已被欺压与仇恨代替。在双方都已几乎失去理智的时候,用文化去解释已显得力不从心,因为思维已简单化为“暴力与复仇”,这是动物都具备的直觉。

十八个月来,巴勒斯坦人用石块,以色列人还以枪弹;巴勒斯坦人用枪弹,以色列人还以大炮与火箭;巴勒斯坦人用人体炸弹,以色列人还以F-16、Apache、导弹甚至暗杀抵抗组织的领导人直至占领巴勒斯坦全境;到了今天,巴勒斯坦青年急于要与占领者同归于尽成为烈士,而沙龙则扬言“We have to cause them heavy casualties"......这是一个典型的以牙还牙、以血偿血(Eye for eye, blood for blood)的轮回,直至不可收拾。我们往往只知道伊斯兰教有"圣战(Jihad)”,却并不清楚犹太教圣经的《旧约》里的上帝也有血腥与疯狂报复的一面。当然,穆斯林也不是不知道“Killing innocent people is not Islamic”(Mahathir bin Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia),古代以色列先知以塞亚(Isaiah)也讲过 “undo the heavy burdens...(and) let the oppressed go free”以告慰苦难中的以色列人。不过这些话,在今天“占领与抵抗,报复与反报复”的两个针锋相对的民族听来只不过是耳边风而已。




The writer, a professor of Spanish and Portuguese at Yale University, is author of the forthcoming The Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain.* She contributed this comment to The New York Times.





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