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Truer Words Were Never Spoken

事实胜于雄辩( I totally agree with what you just said ... )

You say Truer words were never spoken when you strongly agree with what the other person has just said. Example: "I find that the earlier I get up, the better the day I have." Reply: "Truer words were never spoken. The morning hours are definitely the best hours of the day."

Truer words were never spoken is often used as a single sentence response to support the other person, showing how strongly you agree. Example: "This is the best cake I have eaten in years!" Reply: "Truer words were never spoken."

When someone says something that you find to be very true and which applies in many different situations, you can say, "Truer words were never spoken." Example: "You are lucky to have such a wonderful wife." Reply: "Truer words were never spoken."




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