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When In Rome (Do As The Romans Do)

入乡随俗( a visitor should try to act as the people do who are from that place ... )

When in Rome, do as the Romans do means that when you are visiting a new place, you should try to do as the people do who are from the place. Example: "I can't eat that." Reply: "Oh, give it a try. When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

People from different places have different ways of acting, so it is important to try to do things the way people do who are from the place that you are visiting. Example: "Are you sure we can eat this with our hands?" Reply: "Why not? All of these people are. When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

The city of Rome was the capitol of the great Roman Empire. There were many strange and interesting things to do when visiting ("in") Rome. Example: "Back home, we never sing in front of other people." Reply: "Oh, come on. Give it a try! When in Rome, do as the Romans do."




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