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Presenting Yourself Successfully - Before, During & After Your Job Interview

Before Your Job Interview:

• Be prepared to answer and ask questions.

• Learn all you can about the company or organization; learn as much as you can so that your questions are sophisticated and knowledgeable during the interview.

• Prepare a pen and notebook for taking notes during interview,

• Prepare your clothes for your interview,

During Your Job Interview:

• Arrive 10 to 15 minutes early.

• Be aware of your non-verbal behavior

• Be enthusiastic, confident and energetic, but not aggressive, pushy or egotistical. That
fine line is important. Be confident and reassuring and calm.

• Don't chew gum or smell like smoke. Don't take cell phone calls during an interview.

• Don't make negative comments about previous employers, professors or others.

• Establish a follow-up plan

• Listen very carefully and give thoughtful, to-the-point and honest answers.

• Maintain a professional image.

• Never interrupt the interviewer.

• Treat all people you encounter with professionalism and kindness.

• When the interviewer concludes the interview, offer a firm handshake and make eye contact. Depart gracefully.

After the Interview:

• Don't call the employer back immediately, they will contact you when they have made their decision

• Make notes right away so you don't forget critical details.

• Write a personal thank-you note to the person who interviewed you and send it within 48 hours of the interview.




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