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Clearing The Air

( talking about the thing people are thinking about ... )

"Clearing the air" is talking about the thing that you've been thinking about. Example: "You've been living here for two months and you still don't have a job. We need to clear the air."

When there is something that people have been thinking but not saying, they need to talk about it to "clear the air". Example: "There have been a lot of rumors around the office, so I would like to clear the air."

People are not happy when they feel they cannot say what they are thinking, so talking about those things "clears the air" and makes people feel better. Example: "Bob, you seem pretty upset. Let's clear the air."

You feel better after you have "cleared the air" and said what you were thinking. Example: "You'll feel alot better after you have cleared the air."

"Clearing the air" is talking about what people are thinking which helps to improve communication between people. Example: "I'd like to clear the air."




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