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In the first interview employers are trying to identify many general qualities important to their organization, but in the second interview employers will try to determine if you are having the specific qualities they are looking for in a new employee. So you have to work hard for the second interview.


Following are some second interview tips. 下面是对复试的一些小建议。

1. Collect the information 收集信息

It is important to know the schedule of the day's activities, including names and titles of the interviewers. If possible for you then collect the biographical information about the person who will be interviewing you. Some organizations post staff profiles on their Web site.


2. Travel arrangements 行程安排

Travelling planning is as important as other aspects of second interview. You must reach 5-10 minutes early at the interview. Your travel plans can be handled in a number of ways. You may be asked to make your own arrangements or the organization may coordinate your travel arrangements.


3. Lodging住宿

If you are not living at the location of interview and staying at a hotel, ask if the organization will be making arrangements for your lodging. Make sure you have clear directions from your place of lodging to the organization. Check on parking options if you are driving to the interview.





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