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cross-straits relation 台海关系

the 1992 consensus “九二共识”
Two sides, one China “两岸一中”
one country-two systems 一国两制
Cross-straits relation 台海关系新闻词汇
cross-straits relation 台海关系
the 1992 consensus “九二共识”
Two sides, one China “两岸一中”
one country-two systems 一国两制
status quo 现状
China‘s peaceful reunification.中国和平统一大业
peaceful reunification 和平统一
harm to bilateral ties 损害双边关系
provoke the mainland 挑衅中国大陆
a contravention of Taiwanese people's fundamental interests 危害台湾人民的根本利益
trigger tension in cross-Straits relations 引发台海紧张局势
undermine peace and stability 破坏和平与稳定
the separatist nature 分裂者的本质
an eight-point statement on the peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question关于和平解决台湾问题的8点声明
defensive referendum 台湾防卫性公投
Taiwan independence 台独
set up a demilitarized zone 建立非军事化区域
"peace and stability framework'' 国务院台湾事务办公室
"unilaterally change the cross-Straits status quo"单方面改变台海现状
the Taiwan Affair Office of the State Council国务院台湾事务办公室
“一个中国”政策 “One China”policy
《中美三个联合公报》 the Three Sino-U.S. Joint Communiqués
《与台湾关系法》 the Taiwan Relations Act
台独分子 Taiwan's pro-independence
“台独”势力 pro-independence forces in Taiwan
中美关系的基础 the premise for Sino-US relations.
麦卡锡政策 the McCarthy style of the provocative stance
全方位的停滞 a full-blown deadlock
臭名昭著的分裂主义者 infamous separatist
幕后操纵 wire-puller
言行一致 make their deeds square with their words
不应该插手台湾问题 keep its hands off Taiwan
泛蓝阵营the pan-blue camp the pan-blue camp (an alliance between the opposition Kuomintang, People First Party and New Party)
Kuomintang Party 国民党
People First Party 亲民党
泛绿阵营the pan-green camp the pan-green camp (a pro-independence alliance between the ruling DPP and hardline Taiwan Solidarity Union)
Democratic Progressive Party 民进党
Taiwan Solidarity Union 台湾团结联盟




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