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1. 哥本哈根会议 Copenhagen (climate) conference

2. 国际金融危机 international financial crisis

3. 国际格局 international situation

4. 国际关系民主化 democratization of international relations

5. 气候变化 climate change

6. 能源资源安全 energy resources security

7. 公共卫生安全 public health security

8. 峰会外交 summit diplomacy

9. 世博外交 Expo diplomacy

10. 前所未有的机遇 unprecedented opportunities

11. 核心利益 core interests

12. 分歧和摩擦 differences and friction

13. 战略互惠关系 strategic reciprocal relations

14. 区域融合 regional integration

15. 政治互信 political mutual trust

16. 务实合作 pragmatic cooperation

17. 匹兹堡峰会 Pittsburg Summit

18. G20机制 G20 mechanism

19. 贸易保护主义 trade protectionism

20.多哈回合谈判 Doha round negotiations

21. 中阿合作论坛 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

22.施压 pressure (直接作及物动词用,后接宾语)

23.制裁 sanction

24.伊朗核问题 the nuclear issue of Iran

25.上海合作组织 Shanghai Cooperation Organization

26.毒品走私 drug smuggling

27. 公众开放日 public open day

28.外交部 Foreign Ministry

29.国际劳动妇女节100周年 100th anniversary of the International Women’s Day

30.取长补短 draw on each other’s strength




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