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A daughter through the night when suddenly a man came up to her with open arms to embrace shape approached to do is kick. Man lying on the ground crying, said: are the third piece of my bother anyone coming home with pieces of glass Why so difficult?
Ge to the toilet once, Ge You ask a friend to eat half-way on the trips to the bathroom, come back, a large wet pants. Friend: how wet your pants now? Ge: Since I often so famous after. Friends: always like this? Ge: is not! Often next to a man who sowed the urinary suddenly turn around shouting: "This is not a Ge You do!"
Xing Yun Li Yong 52 occurred laughed real get down a joke! PART1: a couple, guess the name of food, wife husband gestures guess. Out of the big screen "bread" in his wife Description: round, white, eat the husband: ... ... ... ... wife inheritance Description: is white and soft, you ate last night to the! My husband seems very anxious, blurted out: "mimi!" Li Yong laughed burned himself out. . . . .

Money first by bus to go home, found the wallet on the train did not hiss Yuan Ling Chao, an anxious, then pulled out a ten-dollar big ticket into the slot. Later, more and more convinced that hole capsule, they consulted with the drivers, can not let my door, and the next passenger to be thrown into the money slot arrogate to yourself? Driver agreed. Car quickly drove to the next stop, a lot of people scrambling to get on the train. I block the door, on the first passenger said: "give me the money." The other side surprised a moment: "Ping Sha?" Few words are not, please explain, I said: "Give me on the trip, other do not bother." other Chou Chou driver, the driver nodded acquiescence. Thus, a dollar hand. Processing according to the law, and soon received a dollar eight. Next up, a Han dynasty, sturdy frame, shaved the board inch, bare tattoos. See I pretty much just getting him angrily: "Why then? Buddy child?" I said: "moment with you in the said Xian Baqian me." Eyeball each other all round the:, "said Shane?" I said: "give me the money!" other mouth open, punching the driver asked: "Why's this kid?" Han Duzaimenkou, people get up the mountain behind, while in the car were anxious to start, so everyone rushes cried: "What does rebuff! quickly give you the money!" Han quickly deflated. I saw his wallet from his pocket, handing me, long face, said: "Boss, who this money, you have many people, I had to.
葛优上厕所 一次,葛优请朋友吃饭,中途上了趟厕所,回来时,裤子湿了一大块。 朋友:你的裤子怎么湿啦? 葛优:自从我成名之后常常这样。 朋友:常常这样? 葛优:可不是!常常是旁边的人撒着尿忽然转过来大叫:“ 这不是葛优吗!”
兴运52发生的真实笑话李咏都笑趴下了! PART1: 一对夫妻,猜食品名称,老婆比划老公猜。大屏幕上跳出"馒头"一词 老婆描述:圆圆的,白白的,能吃的 老公:………… 老婆继承描述:就是白白的,软软的,你昨晚上还吃来着! 老公看来是急坏了,脱口而出:"mimi!" 李咏都笑趴下了。。。。。

要钱 一次乘公交车回家,上车后发现钱包里没有嘶元零钞,一焦急,便掏出一张十元大票进投币口。后来越想越觉得洞囊,便跟司机商量,能不能让我守在门口,将下一站乘客本应投进投币口的钱据为己有?司机同意了。 车很快驶到下一站,很多人争着上车。我挡在门口,对第一位乘客说:“把钱给我。”对方一愣:“凭啥?”三言两语也解释不请,我就说:“给我就行了,别的不用管。”对方瞅瞅司机,司机点头默许。于是,一元钱到手。依法炮制,很快收了八个一元钱。接着上来一位大汉,虎背熊腰,剃着板寸,露着刺青。见我拦着他,怒道:“干吗呢?哥们儿?”我说:“一会儿再跟你说,先把钱给我。”对方眼珠子都圆了:“说啥呢?”我说:“把钱给我!”对方张大了嘴,冲司机问:“这小子干吗的?”大汉堵在门口,后面的人上不来,而车厢里的人急着发车,所以大家七嘴八舌地嚷起来了:“啰唆什么呢!快给钱!”大汉很快瘪了下去。只见他从口袋里掏出钱包递过来,哭丧着脸说:“老大,身上就这点钱,你们人多,我服了.




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