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办公室礼仪(如何称呼对方)What to call whom?
Every office has its own protocol for who is called by his or her first name and who is called by his or her title. New employees should follow suit, after listening carefully to how people are addressed.  


 If yours is a "title" office, but you call your boss Charlie when meeting alone, you should still call him Mr. Dodd when others are around.  如果您的公司规矩是称呼职位,那么在单独会见时,您可以直呼老板查理,而有其他人在场时,应称其多迪先生。

  If yours is an informal office, you still should wait for the other person to say, "Please call me Jim," before doing so, if he has been introduced to you as "Mr. Culyer."  


 Everyone, no matter whether the office is formal of informal, has a name. No assistant should ever be referred to as "my girl." She is, if a possessive must be used, "Charlene Walter, my assistant," or "Angela Badalato, my assistant."   

无论公司是否有无规矩, 每个人都有称呼。 不是每个经理助理都可以用类似"姑娘"的倪称。如果必须说明所属关系,则应如此介绍: "她是Charlene Walter, 我的助理,或我的助理 Angela Badalato。

如何留言 how to leave a message.

1. Hi, John. It's me. Ring me.
1. 嗨,约翰。是我。打电话给我。

2. Hi, John. It's me again. Ring me. Quick!
2. 嗨,约翰,又是我。打给我,快点!

3. Hi, John. It's Mary. What's wrong with your cellphone? Please give me a call as soon as possible.
3. 嗨,约翰。我玛丽啦。你的手机怎么搞的?请尽快打电话给我。

4. Hello, Mr. Smith, this is Jonathan calling from the Bilingual Weekly. Can you call me when you get this message? My number is 2698-3500.
4. 喂,史密斯先生,我是「双语周报」的强纳森。听到留言请你打个电话给我。我的电话号码是2698-3500。

5. Hey, John. I've got something urgent to tell you. Please give me a call as soon as you get this message.
5. 嘿,约翰,我有紧急的事要告诉你。请你在听到留言之后尽快打电话给我。

6. Hi, John. This is Paul. I'm calling to ask you about our contract. Can you call me when you get home?
6. 嗨,约翰。我是保罗。我打电话是要问你关于合约的事情。你回到家后可不可以打个电话给我?

7. Hey, John. I've been trying to locate you. Where are you?! Please call me whenever you can. Bye!
7. 喂,约翰。我一直想办法在找你。你跑哪儿去了?!方便的话请随时打个电话给我。拜!

8. Hi, John. It's Mary. I'm outside, and I didn't bring my cellphone with me today. I'll call you again in about half an hour. Talk to you later.
8. 嗨,约翰,我玛丽啦。我人在外面,而且今天身上没带手机。我大约在半小时之后还会再打给你。待会儿再聊。

9. Hi, John. It's me. I just want to make sure if you got my e-mail last night. Let me know if you got it.
9. 嗨,约翰。是我。我只是想确定你昨晚有没有收到我的邮件。收到的话,请告诉我。

10. Hello, Mrs. Nancy. This is John calling from the Taiwan News. Please call me when you get this message. My office number is 2698-3500. If I'm not at the office, you can reach me on my mobile phone. The number is: 0000.
10. 喂,南西女士。我是「台湾英文新闻」的约翰。听到留言请打电话给我。我办公室的电话是0000.




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