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Peking Duck       (北京烤鸭)

Hot and Sour Soup (酸辣汤)

Peking Barbecue   (烤肉/北京烤肉)

Mutton Hot pot    (涮羊肉)

Sweetened Vinegar Spareribs (糖醋排骨)

Stir Fried Tomatoes with Scrambled Eggs (西红柿炒鸡蛋 xīhóngshì chǎo jīdàn)

Sweet Stir Fried Mutton/Lamb (它似蜜)    

Plain Boiled Pork  (白肉)

Fried Small Meatballs (炸丸子)

Fried Pig Liver wrapped in Chinese Small Iris (Iris pallasii) (炸卷肝)

Shredded Skin Salad    (拌皮丝)

Cold Pig ears in Sauce (拌双脆)
Pickled Chinese Cabbage with Blood Filled Intestines (酸菜血肠)
Sauced Meat             (酱肉)
Pickled Sauced Meat     (清酱肉)
Upper Parts of the Pork Hand/Leg (水晶肘子)
Three Non-Stickiness    (三不粘 )

Wood shavings meat       木须肉

Quick-Fried Tripe (mainly intestines) (爆肚)
Fried Triangle           (炸三角)
Roast (Mutton/Beef/Pork  (烧牛/羊/猪肉)
Peking Dumpling          (饺子/北京饺子)
Peking wonton            (馄饨/北京馄饨)
Braised fish             (酥鱼)
Soft fried fish          (软炸鱼)
Fish cooked with five spices (五香鱼)
Fish cooked with vinegar and pepper (醋椒鱼)
Shrimp chips with egg    (金鱼戏莲)
Fish soaked with soup    (干烧鱼)
Family style boiled fish (家常熬鱼)
Sea cucumber with quail egg (乌龙吐珠)
Fish cooked with five kinds of sliced vegetable (五柳鱼)
Abalone with peas and fish paste (蛤蟆鲍鱼)
Meat wrapped in thin mung bean flour pancake (煎饼馃子)
Egg and shrimp wrapped in corn flour pancake (糊饼)
Fried tofu with egg wrapping (锅塌豆腐)
Wheaten cake boiled in meat broth (卤煮火烧)
Fried wheaten pancake with meat and sea cucumber fillings (褡裢火烧)
Fried butter cake                 (奶油炸糕)
Fried cake with fillings          (烫面炸糕)
Fried dry soybean cream with diced meat filling (炸响铃)
Dried Soy Milk Cream in Tight Roll with Beef Fillings (炸卷果)
Lotus ham                         (莲枣肉方)
Pork in broth                      (苏造肉)

Goat/sheep intestine filled with blood (羊霜肠)

Beef wrapped in pancake            (门钉肉饼)
Soft fried tenderloin              (软炸里脊)
Meatballs soup                     (清汤丸子)
Fried sesame egg cake              (开口笑)
Pork fat with flour wrapping glazed in honey (蜜汁葫芦)
Glazed fried egg cake              (金丝糕)
Steamed egg cake                   (碗糕)
Lotus shaped cake with chicken meat (莲蓬鸡糕)
Fried thin pancake with meat stuffing(炸卷果)
Noodles (Can be either vegetarian or served with meat)
Noodles with Thick Gravy            (打卤面)
Zhajiang mian                       (炸酱面) 
Naked oats noodle                   (莜面搓鱼) 
Mustardy Chinese cabbage            (芥末墩) 
Beijing preserved fruit             (果脯) 
Beijing candied fruit               (蜜饯) 
Hawthorn cake                       (京糕) 
Stir fried hawthorn                 (炒红果) 
Iced fruits                         (冰果)
Watermellon jelly                   (西瓜酪)
Almond drink                        (杏仁茶)
Beijng cheese                       (奶酪)
Fuling pancake sandwich             (茯苓夹饼) 
Thin Millet Flour Pancake           (煎饼)
Thin pancake                        (薄饼)
Pancake                             (烙饼)
Deep Fried Dough Cake               (油饼)
Baked Sesame Seed Cake              (烧饼)
Purplevine Cake                     (藤萝饼)
Shortening cake                     (牛舌饼)
Glutinous rice cake                 (切糕)
Thousand-layer cake                 (千层糕) 
Lamma cake                          (喇嘛糕)
Proso millet cake                   (黄糕)
Glutinous rice cake roll            (卷糕)
Glazed steamed glutinous rice cake  (水晶糕)
Rice and white kidney bean cake with jujube (盆糕) 
Honeycomb cake                      (蜂糕)
Buckwheat cake                      (扒糕)
Rice and jujube cake                (甑糕)
Mung bean cake                      (绿豆糕)
Soybean flour cake                  (豆面糕)
Bean paste cake                     (凉糕)
Fried Cake                          (炸糕)
Rice cake with bean paste           (花糕)
Chestnut cake with bean paste       (栗子糕)
Chestnut broth                      (栗子羹)
Glazed/Candied Chinese Yam          (拔丝山药)
Glazed thin pancake with Chinese yam and jujube stuffing (糖卷果)
Thin pancake of pork fat            (油皮)
Sweet hard flour cake               (硬面饽饽)
Sweet flour cake                    (墩饽饽)
Fried sugar cake                    (糖耳朵)
Fried cake glazed in malt sugar     (蜜三刀)
Cake with bean paste filling        (豆陷烧饼)
Freshwater snail shaped cake        (螺蛳转) 
Chinese "fajitas" (春饼卷菜 — not to be confused with spring rolls [春卷])
Chatang / Miancha / Youcha          (茶汤/面茶/油茶)
Fermented Mung Bean Juice           (豆汁)
Baked Wheaten Cake                  (火烧)
Sweetened baked wheaten cake        (糖火烧) 
Bean Jelly                          (凉粉)
Sweet Potato Starch Jelly           (粉皮)
Crisp Fritter                       (麻页)
Crisp Fritter with Sesame           (薄脆)
Crisp Thin Fritter Twist            (排叉)
Crisp Noodle                        (馓子)
Stir Fried Starch Knots             (炒疙瘩) 
Fried Ring                          (焦圈)
Fried Dough Twist                   (麻花)
Pea Flour Cake                      (豌豆黄)
Fermented Mung Bean Juice Dried     (麻豆腐) 
Jellied Bean Curd                   (豆腐脑)
Almond tofu                         (杏仁豆腐)
Glutinous rice ball                 (艾窝窝)
Noodle roll                         (银丝卷)
Kidney bean roll                    (芸豆卷)
Dried Soy Milk Cream in Tight Rolls (腐竹) 
Sugarcoated haws on a stick         (糖葫芦) 
Millet zongzi                       (粽子)
Tangyuan                            (元宵)