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口蜜腹剑 中文



例如有一次,他装做诚恳的样子对同僚李适之说:“华山出产大量黄金,如果能够开采出来,就可大大增加国家的财富。可惜皇上还不知道。”李适之以为这是真话,连忙跑去建议玄宗 快点开采,玄宗一听很高兴,立刻把李林甫找来商议,李林甫却说:“这件事我早知道了,华山是帝王‘风水集中的地方,怎么可以随便开采呢?别人劝您开采,恐怕是不怀好意;我几次想把这件事告诉您,只是不敢开口。”玄宗被他这番话所打动,认为他真是一位忠君爱国的臣子,反而对适之大不满意,逐渐将他疏远了。就这样,李林甫凭借这套特殊“本领”,他一直做了十九年宰相。后来,司马光在编《资治通鉴》时评价李林甫,指出他是个口蜜腹剑的人,这是很符合实际的。


口蜜腹剑 英文

Honey in the Mouth and Swords in the Stomach

Li Lin-fu was a prime minister of China during the T'ang dynasty (táng cháo 唐朝, 618—907AD). He was good at both calligraphy and painting, but had a crafty and sinister personality which made him disliked by everyone. Li Lin-fu would bribe the palace eunuchs and concubines to tell him what the emperor liked, and then would immediately go prepare that thing for the emperor. The emperor was therefore very fond of Li Lin-fu, and trusted him unduly.

One time, the minister Li Shr-jr offended Li Lin-fu. Li Lin-fu pretended not to care, and was in fact especially nice to the minister. Then on e day, he told Li Shr-jr about some gold that was hidden over in Hua Mountain, and encouraged him to suggest mining this gold to the emperor. Li Shr-jr being of an honest and upright disposition, believed that it was true, and immediately went and told the emperor. But when the emperor began to discuss this with Li Lin-fu, Li Lin-fu acted very frightened and said,"Hua Mountain in the place where all of Your Majesty's auspicious aurora are gathered. If we were to mine that area, it could be very dangerous for you. Who is it that wants to harm you?"

Today we can describe someone who is two-faced-who is always nice on the outside and yet is mean to people behind their backs-as having "Honey in the Mouth and Swords in the Stomach."