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10-01 20:43 最新历史版本 2050 0 0


Labor law劳动法
labor relation 劳动关系
social insurance protection and welfare社会保险和福利
labor discipline 劳动纪律
professional ethics职业道德.
trade unions 工会
collective contract集体合同
the conclusion and revision of labor contract订立和变更劳动合同
invalid labor contracts 无效劳动合同
term of the labor contract劳动合同期限
terminate the labor contract终止劳动合同
responsibilities for violating the labor contract.违反劳动合同的责任
trial execution /the period of trial use试用期
contractual labor relationship劳动合同关系
dissolve a labor contract解除劳动合同
economic compensation经济补偿
occupational diseases 职业病
job injuries工伤
extend the working hours 延长工作时间
statutory holidays法定假日
minimum wage 最低工资
maternity leave产假
vocational training 职业培训
the social insurance社会保险
labor disputes劳动争议
legitimate rights and interests 法定权益
legaltranz.com 劳动法律翻译
the labor disputes arbitration 劳动争议仲裁
Annual bonus:年终分红
Business secrets 商业秘密
Benefit: 福利
Collective bargaining:集体谈判
Compensation Liability:赔偿责任
Compensatory time off 补假
Confidential clauses:保密条款
Day-to-day collective bargaining:日常集体谈判
Defined benefit:固定福利
Disabled person: 残疾人
Employee stock ownership plan :雇员持股计划
Economic compensations经济补偿
Exit interviews:离职面谈
Flexible benefits programs:弹性福利计划
Individual retirement account :个人退休账户
Independent Contractors:合同工
Joint Liability:连带责任
Job Satisfaction:工作满意度
Labor protection benefit:劳动保障待遇
On-the-job training (OJT) :在职培训
Pay grade:工资等级
Pension benefits:退休金福利
Pension plans:退休金计划
Performance Appraisal:工作绩效评价
Pregnancy discrimination:怀孕歧视
Retirement benefits:退休福利
Retirement counseling:退休前咨询
Special awards:特殊奖励
Standard hour plan:标准工时工资
Supplemental unemployment benefits:补充失业福利
Severance pay:离职金
Sick leave:病假
Termination at will:随意终止
Training expenses:培训费用
Temporary worker:临时工
Unemployment insurance:失业保险
Union: 工会
Unit Labor Cost:单位劳动成本
Variable compensation:可变报酬
Voluntary time off:自愿减少时间
www.legaltranz.com 法律英语翻译
Work samples:工作样本
Worker’s benefits:雇员福利
Worker’s compensation:工伤补偿