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Huang is auctioning a five-year patent to his life's work the capsule apartments that have been capturing international media attention since last April.

                                                                                      From China Daily

Capsule apartment is the translation of “胶囊公寓”. Huang built these capsules in order to provide a

capsule apartmentcapsule apartment

transitional solution to housing problem for college students recently graduated from university. He said,“Recent graduates hope to have a private space of their own, but not a lot of money. So a capsule is a practical solution for them.”

All eight capsules he has built utilize around two square meters of living space, equipped with an anti-theft door, computer table and Internet hookups.

In order to build his “capsules”, Huang invested 40,000 yuan of his pension. Now he charges 200 to 250 yuan in rent per month.

Nowadays, dwelling in a narrow space is becoming a common phenomenon. There are luxury wannabes in big citied, as well as ant tribe who are struggling to make ends meet.