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How to Master Your Time


Those who get more done in less time get more out of life . . . more rewards, more success, and more free time to pursue their dreams and enjoy themselves.

In fact, you’ll discover from success expert Brian Tracy, that “the quality of your life is largely determined by the quality of your time management.”

You don’t have to be cold and calculating to be well organized. Time mastery does not mean letting the clock rule your life. In fact, the very opposite is true: time mastery gives you the absolute freedom to do what you want, when you want to do it. Ironically, you even learn to make time for spontaneity. The more time you make for yourself, the more free time you’ll have.

Unlike many programs on time management, this program has no charts, no forms, no daily schedules. Tracy believes in them but knows you are quite capable of developing them for yourself. His purpose in this program is to teach you the philosophy of time management, to help you internalize it, and to help you develop a belief system that will make your every moment more efficient.

As Tracy puts it:
“This program is the result of 20 years of experience—of research and teaching with more than 200 corporations. I designed this program to give you everything you will ever need to know about mastering your time for your personal life and career.”

You’ll make a decision to become excellent at time management . . . to concentrate on the highest pay-off tasks. Your life will simply begin to work better.

Through repeated listening to these tapes, you’ll learn to:
• Use positive self-talk and affirmations to change your self-conceptions about time
• Visualize efficiency and excellence using mental rehearsal techniques
• Model your own behavior after the most efficient people you know
• Learn to lead others as an example of successful time management
• Become results-oriented, working smarter, not harder
• Delegate more effectively and become more adept at prioritizing
• Energize yourself with the positive results of your labor

By becoming a master of your time, you’ll greatly improve the sense of control you have and in turn improve your well-being in every aspect of your life.

Remember, time is your most precious and perishable asset. You can begin investing it more wisely by listening to these tapes and putting their wisdom to use. Start today!

Main Ideas

Session One: What Time Management Will Do for You

Discover how you'll gain two extra hours daily using this program. This can translate into a potential 25 percent earnings gain. The three psychological barriers. A series of techniques for programming your mind. The role self-esteem plays. Twelve time management principles. Seven ways to help you manage time. A definition of the psychology of time management.

Session Two: Setting Goals and Objectives

The starting point --clarity of objectives. Three types of goals. Principles of goal setting. Questions to ask. A seven-step personal goal setting exercise. The five step to achieving goals. Determining your core functions. How MBO works. Four goal-achieving considerations.

Session Three: Getting Your Self Organized

Getting a 500 percent return on planning. The four cornerstones of organization. The T-R-A-f system. Time planners, master list and other tools. Learning the difference between urgent and important tasks. The A-B-C-D-E system. The 45 Files system. Using your two prime times wisely. Dictating as an organizing technique. Organizing before travel.

Session Four: How to Establish Priorities

The starting point for peak performance. Arrange your values in the proper order. The "Inner Peace" test. Why you need courage. Applying the Pareto principle in everything you do. The Limited Step principle. Creative procrastination. What is the most valuable use of your time? Deciding what to eliminate. Delegating. Farming work out.

Session Five: Getting Things

Done Focus and concentration. Achieving high productivity in four easy steps. The benefits of good a job on time--confidence, competence and a feeling of self-control. How to speed up the process. Six keys for developing the concentrative powers of geniuses. Nine ideas for boosting your productivity.

Session Six: Project Management

Planning and managing complex task from concept to completion. Project management's multiple steps. The four major problems of managing projects. Using an approach first developed at Disney Studios. Establishing review sessions. Catalysts for making successful project management a reality.

Session Seven: Time Saving Techniques

The seven primary time-wasters. Applying the Law of Forced Efficiency. A review of the keys to effective time management. Ideas for either eliminating or greatly minimizing time-wasting events and habits that affect your performance. Crisis anticipation. How to handle a crisis. Ideas for making better decisions. Five more time-savers.

Session Eight: Overcoming Procrastination

Developing a sense of urgency. Three qualities that can further your career. Seven ways to overcome procrastination. Creating your own reward system. The five things to do at the outset of a task. How self-discipline comes into play. Sixteen powerful techniques to fight procrastination. Enjoying the mysterious energy flow that results from consciously
accelerating your work tempo.

Session Nine: Keeping Up

Since the knowledge base in your occupational specialty is doubling every seven years you must keep on learning. Dynamite ideas for keeping up or, better yet, staying ahead. Gathering information using R&R method. Using the O-P-I-R system. What the TxR = P formula means to you and your career. Finding time when you need it most.

Session Ten: Saving Time with Others

The seven biggest time wasters when working with others. Why you should first understand, then be understood. Applying the Law of Comparative Advantage. Some questions to ask yourself so you can delegate effectively. Seven ways to get more done. Six steps to delegating. The types of decisions. Six questions to ask yourself during problem-solving sessions. Focusing on contribution. Participative management. Reverse delegation.

Session Eleven: Time Management for Salespeople

Understanding your job. The three-step method for exemplary sales performance. Setting clear income and sales goals. A formula that can help you double or triple your annual income. Planning your day. Grouping calls geographically. Overcoming objections. Closing the 10 biggest time wasters in selling. The role of enthusiasm. Seven ideas for increasing your sales effectiveness.

Session Twelve: The Philosophy of Time Management

Time perspective, the predictive factor on whether you'll move upward financially. Benefits of having a long time perspective. Underachievement's primary cause. Treating time as a precious resource. Keeping track of time usage. Principles for developing your time management philosophy. Keeping your life in balance.

Some Notes

These are some notes on this wonderful tape:

The starting point to time management is clarity with respect to goal objectives. Forgetting what you set out to do and losing track of what you are trying to accomplish is the biggest time waster you can have. Many people work very hard not knowing what their real goals are.  Plan and organize your time to accomplish your most important goals in the quickest time possible.

Less than 3% of the people have written down their goals, and they are the most successful people in every field.  Less than 1% review their goals on a regular basis.

If you do not have goals yourself, you are doomed forever to achieve the goals of someone else. 

Goal setting is the master skill of success.

Goal setting begins with a pad of paper, a pen, and you.  Here are some goal setting principles to keep in mind;

1)Dream big dreams.  They will inspire you.  Don’t settle

2)Goals must be in writing in the present tense to program the conscious mind.  Write and rewrite your goals in a notebook. Review the goals to drive them into your subconscious

3)Your goals must be balanced covering the three most important areas of your life.

Business, career, and financial

Personal, family, health goals (Why goals. Why you want to achieve other goals)

Personal and professional development goals.  (How goals How you achieve the what to enjoy the why.)

4)Decide on a major definite purpose.One goal that is more important than any other.

This goal should lead you to the accomplishment of other goals you have more than any other single goal.

5)Goal must be defined by the specific actions and activities necessary to achieve them.Be detailed in your goals to be successful.

Here are some questions that you can ask to help you get a glimpse of what your major definite purpose is. 

1)What would you do different in your life if you won a million dollars cash in the lottery tomorrow?  What would you start, stop, do more of, do less of, where would you go?  What you really want to be doing is most likely what you should be doing.

2)If you could write your own life story at the end of your life, what would you like to put in that life story, or if you were going to write your own obituary of who you were and what you accomplished in your lifetime, what would you want that to be?  What would you like said in your eulogy?

3)What would you attempt if you were guaranteed absolute success in any one thing?  What one thing would you dare to dream if you know you could not fail?

4) What do you really enjoy doing? What gives you pleasure, satisfaction, joy and energy?  What gives you a feeling of importance and self esteem?

Exercise #1:  Do a quick list method. 

Write out your three most important goals every single morning.  Then write out your goals and plans for the day.

Exercise #2:  Goal setting exercise:

List everything you would like to be, have, or do in the next 5 years.  Take as long as it takes and imagine that you have no obstacles for anything you want to accomplish. Think back on things you wanted to do in the past but gave up on because of lack of time, money, relationships, travel or other constraints. Let your imagination run wild.

Go for quantity.

Now organize it according to priority labeling each item with and A, B or C in front of each one of the goals.

An A goal is something that is really exciting, the accomplishment of which could change your whole life.

A B goal is something you want to achieve, it is important, but not so much as an A goal.

A C goal is something that would be nice to do, have or achieve but it’s not as important as an A or B goal.

Transfer all you’re a goals onto a separate sheet of paper. Go through them and organize them into your A1, A2, A3 and so on.

Your A1 goal is the most important goal.  The one goal that would make more of a difference in your life than any other goal.  Bring you more happiness, satisfaction than any of the other A goals.

Ask yourself, if you could accomplish only one goal on this list and would be guaranteed absolute success in achieving this goal, what would it be?

Now ask, if you could only accomplish one more thing on this a list, which would that, be?  And so forth.

Take your A1 goal and transfer that goal to a new sheet of paper.  Now make a list of everything you can do to achieve or accomplish that goal.  Write down at least 10 action steps you can take or do in the future to that will bring you closer to your goal.

Organize this list by the ABC method.  If you could only take one action, which would it is to help you to accomplish your goal.  If you could only do one more action, which would that be and so forth.

Now you have a list of clear goals organized in priority and a list of action steps organized in priority.

Now you are in the top 3% of goal setters in the world.

Here are five keys in which you can achieve your goals:

1)Create a clear mental picture of your goals as already realized.  Imagine it as already achieved.  Enjoy it.  Your body will create the outer world to equal the inner picture you have.  Play this over and over in your mind to trigger the law of attraction to magnetize the stuff necessary to achieve the goal.

2)Enthusiastically affirm your goal over and over to yourself.  Emotionalize your goal in present tense.

3)Accept 100% responsibility for everything necessary to achieve your goal.  If it is to be, it’s up to me.

4)Act as if it were impossible for you to fail.

5)Do something every day to move towards your major goals. By the yard it’s hard, but by the inch it’s a cinch.  This keeps you activated, motivated, positive and enthusiastic.

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