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Loyal Opposition (3)


(Wendell WilIkie)

And finally our government must change its punitive attitude towards both big and little business. Regulations there must be. We, of the opposition, have consistently recommended that, but the day of witch-hunting must be over. If this Administration has the unity of America within its heart, and I assume it has, it must consider, without prejudice, and with an open mind, such recommendations of the opposition. National unity can only be achieved by recognizing and giving serious weight to the viewpoint of the Opposition. Such a policy can come only from the Administration itself. It will be from the suppression of the Opposition that discord and disunity will arise, the Administration has the ultimate power to force us apart, or to bind us together.
And now a word about the most important, the immediate task that confronts this nation. On this, all Americans are at one purpose, there is no disagreement among us about the defense of America. We stand united behind the defense program, but here particularly as a minority party our role is an important one. It is to be constantly watchful, to see that American is effectively safeguarded and that the vast expenditure of funds which we have voted for that purpose is not wasted. And in so far as l have the privilege to speak for you, I express once more the hope that we have to maintain the ream of freedom in Britain and elsewhere by supplying those defenders with materials and equipment. This should be done to the limit of our ability but with due regard to our own defense. On this point, I think I can say without boast that never in the history of American Presidential campaigns has a candidate gone further than I did in attempting to create a united front. However, I believe that our age should be given by constitutional methods and with the approval, accord and ratification of Congress. Only thus can the people determine from time to time, the course they wish to take and the hazards they wish to run.
Mr. Roosevelt and I both promise the people in the course of the campaign that if we were elected, we would keep this country out of war unless attacked. Mr. Roosevelt was re-elected, and this solemn pledge for him, I know will be fulfilled, and I know the American people desire him to keep it sacred.
Since November 5, I have received thousands and thousands of letters, as a matter of fact, tens of thousands of them I have personally read a great portion of these messages. I am profoundly touched. They come from all parts of our country and from all kinds of people. They come from Catholics and Protestants, Jews and Christians, colored people and white people. They come from workers and farmers and clerks and businessmen; men and women of all the occupations that make up our American life. All of these letters and telegrams, almost without exception, urge that the cause that we have been fighting for be carried on. In your enthusiasm for our cause, you founded thousands of organizations, they are your own organizations, financed by you and directed by you. It is very appropriate for you to continue them if you feel so inclined. I hope you do continue them. It is not, however, appropriate to continue these organizations in my name. I do not want this great cause to be weakened by even a semblance of any personal advantage to any individual. I feel too deeply about it for that. 1944 will take care of itself.
It is of the very essence of my belief that democracy is fruitful of leadership. I want to see all of us dedicate ourselves to the principles for which we fought. My fight for those principles has just begun. I shall advocate them in the future as ardently and as confidently as I have in the past. As Woodrow Wilson once said, "I would rather lose in the cause that I know someday would triumph than to triumph in a cause that I know someday would fail."
Whatever I may undertake in the coming years, I should be working shoulder to shoulder with you for the defense of our free way of life, for the better understanding of our economic system, and for the development of that new America whose vision lies within everyone of us. Meanwhile, let us be proud, let us be happy in the fight that we have made. We have brought our cause to the attention of the world. Millions have welcomed it. As time goes on, millions more will find in it the hope that they are looking for. We can go on from here with the words of Abraham Lincoln in our hearts: with malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right. Let us finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
Good night and God bless and keep everyone of you.


punitive 形容词 刑罚的,惩罚的。

witch-hunt 以莫须有罪名进行的政治迫害。

suppression 名词 镇压;抑制。

discord 名词 不一致,不调和。

ratification 名词 批准,认可;追认。

profoundly 副词 深深地, 衷心地

enthusiasm 名词 热心,热情,热诚 (for);爱好的事物。

inclined 形容词 倾向于。

semblance 名词 外观;外貌,外表;样子。

dedicate 及物动词 献给,奉献,供奉,献上 (sth. to)。

ardently 副词 热心地, 热烈地

triumph 不及物动词 欢庆胜利,得胜而狂欢;得胜,战胜。

malice 名词 恶意,;怨恨,预谋。

charity 名词 慈爱;慈善机关(团体)。




Loyal Opposition (3) mp3