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The Philadelphia Story 费城故事


    费城故事(The Philadelphia Story)是1940年由导演乔治·丘克执导的经典喜剧。改编自百老汇的舞台剧。由詹姆斯·史都华、凯瑟琳·赫本、卡莱·葛伦联合主演。《费城故事》是有关三角恋爱、离婚又复合的喜剧电影,在1930至1940年代,这是非常典型且受欢迎的影剧题材。然而此片之所以在当代及后世都被认为是杰作主要原因,在于导演、编剧、3位男女主角、2位男女配角的整体表现杰出,剧中人物的心理、彼此之间的互动,刻划得细腻且传神。费城故事(1993年)重拍。
    Philadelphia is a 1993 drama film. It was one of the first mainstream Hollywood films to acknowledge HIV/AIDS, homosexuality and homophobia. It was written by Ron Nyswaner and directed by Jonathan Demme. The film stars Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington. It was inspired by the story of Geoffrey Bowers, an attorney who in 1987 sued the law firm Baker & McKenzie for unfair dismissal in one of the first AIDS discrimination cases. 

Tom HanksTom Hanks

Tom Hanks as Andrew Beckett
Denzel Washington as Joe Miller
Jason Robards as Charles Wheeler
Mary Steenburgen as Belinda Conine
Antonio Banderas as Miguel Álvarez
Joanne Woodward as Sarah Beckett
Charles Napier as Judge Garnett
Roberta Maxwell as Judge Tate
Buzz Kilman as Crutches
Karen Finley as Dr. Gillman
Bradley Whitford as Jamey Collins
Daniel Chapman as Clinic Storyteller
Jeffrey Williamson as Tyrone
Charles Glenn as Kenneth Killcoyne
Ron Vawter as Bob Seidman
Anna Deavere Smith as Anthea Burton
Stephanie Roth as Rachel Smilow
Lisa Talerico as Shelby
Julius Erving as himself (cameo)




    The film tells the story of Andrew Beckett (Hanks), a senior associate at the largest corporate law firm in Philadelphia. Although he lives with his partner Miguel Álvarez (Antonio Banderas), Beckett is not open about his homosexuality at the law firm, nor the fact he had contracted AIDS. On the day he is assigned the firm's newest and most important case, one of the firm's partners notices a small lesion (Kaposi's sarcoma) on Beckett's forehead. Shortly thereafter, Beckett stays home from work for several days to try to find a way to hide his lesions. While at home, he finishes the complaint for the case he has been assigned and then brings it to his office, leaving instructions for his assistants to file the complaint in court on the following day, which marks the end of the statute of limitations for the case. Beckett suffers from bowel spasms at home and is rushed to the hospital. Later that morning, while still at the ER, he receives a frantic call from the firm asking for the complaint, as the paper copy cannot be found and there are no copies on the computer's hard drive. However, the complaint is finally discovered and is filed with the court at the last possible moment. The following day, Beckett is dismissed by the firm's partners, who had previously referred to him as their "friend", but now question his professional abilities in light of the misplaced document. 
    Beckett believes that someone deliberately hid his paperwork to give the firm a pretext to fire him, and that the firing is actually as a result of his diagnosis with AIDS. He asks several attorneys to take his case, including personal injury lawyer Joe Miller (Washington), with whom he had been involved in a previous case. Miller, who is admittedly homophobic and knows little about Beckett's disease, initially declines to take the case and immediately visits his doctor to find out if he could have contracted the disease through shaking Beckett's hand. The doctor explains the methods of HIV infection. The doctor then offers to take a sample of Miller's blood, suspecting that Miller was asking about AIDS because he suspected he had contracted it and was trying to hide it. Miller dismisses the request by laughing it off, thinking it a joke. Unable to find a lawyer willing to represent him, Beckett is compelled to act as his own attorney. While researching a case at a law library, Miller sees Beckett at a nearby table. After a librarian announces that he has found a book on AIDS discrimination for Beckett, others in the library begin to first stare and then move away, and the librarian suggests Beckett retire to a private room. Disgusted by their behavior, Miller approaches Beckett and reviews the material he has gathered. It is obvious he has decided to take the case. Upon receiving a summons by Miller, the head of the firm, Charles Wheeler (Jason Robards), worries about the damage the lawsuit could do to his business and reputation, although one partner (Ron Vawter) unsuccessfully tries to convince them to settle out of court with Beckett. 
    As the case goes before the court, Wheeler takes the stand, claiming that Beckett was incompetent and claiming that he had deliberately tried to hide his condition. The defense repeatedly suggests that Beckett had invited his illness through promiscuity and was therefore not a victim. In the course of testimony, it is revealed that the partner who had noticed Beckett's lesion had previously worked with a woman who had contracted AIDS after a blood transfusion and so would have recognized the lesion as relating to AIDS. To prove that the lesions would have been visible, Miller asks Beckett to unbutton his shirt while on the witness stand, revealing that his lesions were indeed visible and recognizable as such.
    During cross-examination, Beckett admits that he was originally planning to tell his law colleagues that he was gay, but changed his mind after hearing them make homophobic jokes in the sauna of a health club. When asked about the truth of how he got infected, he confirms that he engaged in anonymous sex with another man at a pornographic movie theater. However, he and Miller gain an advantage when the partner who advised settling out of court confesses he long suspected Beckett had AIDS but never said anything, and how he regrets his inaction. Upon hearing this testimony, Wheeler turns to one of his law partners with a smirk; while the implication is subtle, Wheeler could be harboring his own suspicions about the testifying partner's sexual orientation that perhaps are now confirmed.
    Beckett collapses during the end of the trial. During his hospitalization, the jury votes in his favor, awarding him back pay, damages for pain and suffering, and punitive damages. Miller visits Beckett in the hospital after the verdict and overcomes his fear enough to touch Beckett's face. After Beckett's family leaves the room, he tells Miguel that he is ready to die. A short scene immediately afterward shows Miller getting the word that Beckett has died. The movie ends with a reception at Beckett's home following the funeral, where many mourners, including the Millers, view home movies of Beckett as a healthy child.

    一些人认为,电影只不过是一种娱乐方式,对于这个世界来说,不会起到什么教化作用;另一些人则认为,电影具备这样能力,而且能力非凡。这两种截然相反的观点可以在两部电影中得到检验,一部是斯皮尔伯格的《辛德勒名单》 ,一部就是《费城故事》。尽管这两种观点是如此的不同,但是,我们还是能找到某种相似之处。对于《费城故事》的观众来说,问题不是他们是否对汤姆·汉克斯扮演的角色心存怜悯,而是他们是否对真实世界中饱受艾滋病折磨的病人们产生同情。



Joe Miller: Some of these people make me sick. But a law's been broken here. You do remember the law, don't you?   


Joe Miller: Now, explain it to me like I'm a four-year-old.   


Joe Miller is in court and has just asked his witness whether he is a homosexual] (乔在法庭并且正询问他的目击证人是否他是一个同性恋)   

Joe Miller: Are you a homo? Are you a queer? Are you a faggot? Are you a fruit? Are you *gay*, sir? 乔:你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋,先生?   (译注:homo、queer、faggot、 fruit、gay等为同性恋的不同说法。 )    

Librarian: Sir, wouldn't you be more comfortable in a study room?   

[Andrew looks up and sees people in the library staring at him]   

Andrew Beckett: No. Would it make you more comfortable?




Joe Miller: The Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination against otherwise qualified handicapped persons who are able to perform the duties required by their employment. Although the ruling did not address the specific issue of HIV and AIDS discrimination... Andrew Beckett: Subsequent decisions have held that AIDS is protected as a handicap under law, not only because of the physical limitations it imposes, but because the prejudice surrounding AIDS exacts a social death which precede... which precedes the physical one.   

Joe Miller: This is the essence of discrimination: formulating opinions about others not based on their individual merits, but rather on their membership in a group with assumed characteristics. 乔·米勒:1973年的联邦康复法案禁止歧视伤残人士,只要他们能担任工作。虽然法令没有提到对艾滋病的歧视……   

安德鲁·贝克特:但是随后的法案规定,艾滋病也属伤残受法律保护,不仅仅因为病者身体上的限制,还因为受到社会人士的歧视,更精确地说,这种社会性的死亡……这种死亡超过了身体上的病痛。 乔·米勒:这种歧视的本质是对别人的看法非由于其个人,而是因为他隶属与某一类别。   

Joe Miller: Have you ever felt discriminated against at Wyatt Wheeler?   

Anthea Burton: Well, yes.   

Joe Miller: In what way?   

Anthea Burton: Well, Mr. Wheeler's secretary, Lydia, said that Mr. Wheeler had a problem with my earrings.   

Joe Miller: Really?   

Anthea Burton: Apparently Mr. Wheeler felt that they were too..."Ethnic" is the word she used. And she told me that he said that he would like it if I wore something a little less garish, a little smaller, and more "American."   

Joe Miller: What'd you say?   

Anthea Burton: I said my earrings are American. They're African-American. 乔·米勒:你在怀亚特·惠勒那里感到受歧视了吗?   








[Andrew transcendentally describes his favorite opera]   

Andrew Beckett: Do you like opera?

Joe Miller: I'm not that familiar with opera.   

Andrew Beckett: This is my favorite aria. This is Maria Callas. This is "Andrea Chenier", Umberto Giordano. This is Madeleine. She's saying how during the French Revolution, a mob set fire to her house, and her mother died... saving her. "Look, the place that cradled me is burning." Can you hear the heartache in her voice? Can you feel it, Joe? In come the strings, and it changes everything. The music fills with a hope, and that'll change again. Listen... listen..."I bring sorrow to those who love me." Oh, that single cello! "It was during this sorrow that love came to me." A voice filled with harmony. It says, "Live still, I am life. Heaven is in your eyes. Is everything around you just the blood and mud? I am divine. I am oblivion. I am the god... that comes down from the heavens, and makes of the Earth a heaven. I am love!... I am love."   

[安德鲁描绘他最喜欢的歌剧] 安德鲁·贝克特:你喜欢歌剧吗?   



Joe Miller: Who did you get?   

Andrew Beckett: What?   

Joe Miller: Did you find a lawyer?   

Andrew Beckett: I'm a lawyer.   




