

Lesson 78:The last one?
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标签: 新概念英语 新概念英语笔记 新概念第二册MP3 新概念视频

摘要:英文文本 The last one? First listen and then answer the question. For how long did the writer give up smoking? After reading an article entitled 'Cigarette Smoking and Your Health' I lit a cigarett[阅读全文]

Lesson 77: A successful operation
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标签: 新概念 新概念笔记 新概念MP3 新概念视频

摘要:英文文本 A successful operation First listen and then answer the question. Did the doctors find out how the woman died? The mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B.C. has just had an operation.[阅读全文]

Lesson 76:April Fools' Day
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标签: 新概念英语 新概念视频 新概念英语笔记 新概念第二册MP3

摘要:英文文本 April Fools' Day First listen and then answer the question. What was the joke? 'To end our special news bulletin,' said the voice of the television announcer, 'we're going over to the[阅读全文]

Lesson 75:SOS
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标签: 新概念 新概念笔记 新概念MP3 新概念视频

摘要:英文文本 SOS First listen and then answer the question. How did the woman get help? When a light passenger plane flew off course some time ago, it crashed in the mountains and its pilot was killed.[阅读全文]

Lesson 74:Out of the limelight
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标签: 新概念英语 新概念视频 新概念英语笔记 新概念第二册MP3

摘要:英文文本 Out of the limelight First listen and then answer the question. Why was their disguise 'too perfect'? An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed and a party of famous actors and actresses[阅读全文]

Lesson 73:The record-holder
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标签: 新概念 新概念笔记 新概念视频 新概念MP3

摘要:英文文本 The record-holder First listen and then answer the question. Did the boy go where he wanted to? Children who play truant from school are unimaginative. A quiet day's fishing, or eight hour[阅读全文]

Lesson 72:A car called bluebird
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标签: 新概念 新概念笔记 新概念视频 新概念MP3

摘要:英文文本 A car called bluebird First listen and then answer the question. What mistake was made? The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour.[阅读全文]

Lesson 71:A famous clock
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标签: 新概念 新概念笔记 新概念MP3 新概念视频

摘要:英文文本 A famous clock First listen and then answer the question. Has Big Ben ever gone wrong? When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be[阅读全文]

Lesson 70:Red for danger
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标签: 新概念英语 新概念英语笔记 新概念第二册MP3 新概念视频

摘要:英文文本 Red for danger First listen and then answer the question. How was the drunk removed from the ring? During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. The crowd began[阅读全文]

Lesson 69:But not murder!
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标签: 新概念 新概念视频 新概念MP3 新概念笔记

摘要:英文文本 But not murder! First listen and then answer the question. Do you think that the writer passed his driving test? Why? I was being tested for a driving licence for the third time. I had been[阅读全文]

Lesson 68:Persistent
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2287次 词条创建者:lumin     创建时间:01-01 01:29
标签: 新概念英语 新概念第二册MP3 新概念视频 新概念英语笔记

摘要:英文文本 Persistent First listen and then answer the question. Why did Elizabeth tell Nigel that she was going to the dentist? I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came runni[阅读全文]

Lesson 67:Volcanoes
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2056次 词条创建者:lumin     创建时间:01-01 01:26
标签: 新概念英语 新概念英语笔记 新概念第二册MP3 新概念视频

摘要:英文文本 Volcanoes First listen and then answer the question. Why does Tazieff risk his life like this? Haroun Tazieff, the Polish scientist, has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and dee[阅读全文]

Lesson 66:Sweet as honey!
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标签: 新概念 新概念视频 新概念MP3 新概念笔记

摘要:英文文本 Sweet as honey! First listen and then answer the question. What was 'sweet as honey' and why? In 1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island, a remote place in the South Pacific, a l[阅读全文]

Lesson 65:Jumbo versus the police
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2132次 词条创建者:lumin     创建时间:01-01 01:18
标签: 新概念英语 新概念第二册MP3 新概念视频 新概念英语笔记

摘要:英文文本 Jumbo versus the police First listen and then answer the question. Why did the police have to push Jumbo off the main street? Last Christmas, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, decided to take[阅读全文]

Lesson 64:The Channel Tunnel
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1991次 词条创建者:lumin     创建时间:01-01 01:15
标签: 新概念英语 新概念第二册MP3 新概念视频 新概念英语笔记

摘要:英文文本 The Channel Tunnel First listen and then answer the question. Why was the first tunnel not completed? In 1858, a French engineer, Aime Thome de Gamond, arrived in England with a plan for a[阅读全文]

Lesson 63:She was not amused
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标签: 新概念 新概念笔记 新概念MP3 新概念视频

摘要:英文文本 She was not amused First listen and then answer the question. Why did Jenny want to leave the wedding reception? Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and if very popular at parties.[阅读全文]

Lesson 62:After the fire
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标签: 新概念 新概念笔记 新概念视频 新概念MP3

摘要:英文文本 After the fire First listen and then answer the question. What was the danger to the villages after the fire? Firemen had been fighting the forest for nearly three weeks before they could g[阅读全文]

Lesson 61:Trouble with the Hubble
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2014次 词条创建者:lumin     创建时间:01-01 01:04
标签: 新概念 新概念笔记 新概念MP3 新概念视频

摘要:英文文本 Trouble with the Hubble First listen and then answer the question. What is the special importance of a telescope in space? The Hubble telescope was launched into space by NASA on April 20[阅读全文]

Lesson 60:The future
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标签: 新概念 新概念视频 新概念MP3 新概念笔记

摘要:英文文本 The future First listen and then answer the question. Does what Madam Bellinsky said come true? At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky. I went into he[阅读全文]

Lesson 59:In or out?
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1833次 词条创建者:lumin     创建时间:01-01 00:55
标签: 新概念 新概念笔记 新概念视频 新概念MP3

摘要:英文文本 In or out? First listen and then answer the question. Why did Rex run away? Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and dark. Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would[阅读全文]