

编辑:0次 | 浏览:3441次 词条创建者:wondercat     创建时间:07-14 23:35
标签: 译作欣赏

摘要:一个人的荷花One Person's Lotus Flower作者:汪彦弘  《解放日报》2005年8月26日Written by Wang Yanhong,  Issued in Liberation Daily on August 26, 2005译者 王士杰译作欣赏:一个人的荷花荷花,夏日[阅读全文]

孔已己 杨宪益译
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2651次 词条创建者:wondercat     创建时间:07-08 00:14
标签: 译作

摘要:英文译文The wine shops in Luchen are not like those in other parts of China. They all have a right-angled counter facing the street, where hot water is kept ready for warming wine. When men come off w[阅读全文]