摘要: All in the Family Jewels Venus Williams, 20, was beating up on1 her little sister, which is what big sisters do. But Venus is, it should be noted, a sweeter 2 big sister than most. As she administered[阅读全文]
摘要: How the Americans view love An old song says that “ love makes the world go around.” If you watch Americans on Valentine's Day, you can believe it. The whole country breaks out with li[阅读全文]
摘要: Gratuitous1 Gratuities2 Everybody loathes3 it, but everybody does it. A recent poll showed that 40% of Americans hate the practice. It seems so arbitrary4, after all. Why does a barman5 get a tip, bu[阅读全文]
摘要: Did you sleep well last night? If the answer is “ No” , you're in good company. Insomnia1 is the most common sleep disorder in the UK, with up to a third of the population affected at some[阅读全文]
摘要: 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? 4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做! 5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6.[阅读全文]
摘要: ·Potluck Party :一种聚餐方式,主人准备场地和餐具,参加的人必须带一道菜或准备饮料, 最好事先问问主人的意思。 ·Pull over!把车子开到旁边。 ·Drop me[阅读全文]
摘要: [阅读全文]
摘要: “我打电话给父亲问能不能下班后去看他,我向他保证花不了多长时间,最终他同意了。我一脚跨进门槛说:‘老爸,我来就是为了特地告诉你一声,我爱你。 “听了这话,老爸似乎前后判若两人。只见他脸变得柔和起来,连皱[阅读全文]
摘要: the rules for being human 1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period. 1.你将拥有一个躯体。 你可以喜之也可以恶之,但它毕生都会属于你。 2. You wil[阅读全文]
摘要: 真的有一见钟情这回事吗?为什么没有呢?当爱情来了的时候,那一刻无论如何,情侣们总会找到他们相互惺惺相惜之处。这也许就像他们都曾经读过同一本书,都在一个镇上出生一样平常。同时,他们又会看到双方性格上的互[阅读全文]
摘要: 歌曲简介 出品时间:2003年 出品地:德国 英文歌《Cry On My Shoulder》由德国选秀节目的歌手们共同演绎,标准励志歌。不要忘了当你无助的时候,来我的肩膀哭泣,我会在你身边,依旧[阅读全文]
摘要: 基本信息 【译名】 夏洛特的网/夏洛的网 夏洛特的网 【片名】 Charlottes Web 【年代】 2006 【国家】 美国 【类别】 喜剧/剧情/家庭/奇幻[阅读全文]
摘要: 想想吧,如果停止抱怨的话你会变得多么快乐。反正那些事情又无力改变,整天想着那些你无力改变的事情又有什么意义呢?如果你来问我,我会说那样很愚蠢。当你意识到自己在抱怨的时候,停下来,问问自己是要变得快乐,[阅读全文]
摘要: Napping after learning something new could help you commit it to memory - as long as you dream, scientists say. 科学家称,在学了一些新东西之后小睡一会儿能够帮助大脑记忆-只要你做了梦。 They found peopl[阅读全文]
摘要: Steven Fink recently received an unsolicited email containing nude photos of a woman whose jilted ex-boyfriend wanted to embarrass her. The guy presumably hoped these private photos would[阅读全文]
摘要: Among the markets that Apple hasn't quite been able to crack with their iPhone, China has to be the most frustrating. It's a huge opportunity that's being missed. And now we finally know exactly wh[阅读全文]
摘要: 套件马甲 Dioenglish.com Beyonce gave her tank an instant upgrade with a studdedwaistcoat. Look for a vest with similar embellishmentfor a sweet-but-tough combo. 像碧昂斯那样,穿一件[阅读全文]
摘要: Scientists found "boiled before cut" carrots contained 25% more of the anti-cancer compound falcarinol than those chopped up first. 科学家发现,煮之前依旧完整的胡萝卜中所含的抗[阅读全文]
摘要: Jay Chou began his career in music. After exploring other entertainment territories–acting, directing and TV production–Chou seems to reckon that going back to music is in his best interest. But doe[阅读全文]
摘要: Today, I speak from this podium a final time as your president. As I depart, I want to thank all of you - students, faculty, alumni and staff - with whom I have been privileged to work over these past[阅读全文]