摘要: Describe a science lesson that you had in school or university (such as biology, chemistry or physics). * You should say: &[阅读全文:]
摘要: Describe someone you know who is good at cooking. You should say: &nb[阅读全文:]
摘要: Describe a recent event that made you feel happy.You should say:what the event waswhen and where it happened who participated in this event what you saw or did * &nb[阅读全文:]
摘要: Describe a stage of your life that you enjoyed. (Such as your childhood or your high school years)  [阅读全文:]
摘要: 注:排名源自US New & World Report公布的美国排名前一百三十位院校,IELTS分数由英国大使馆文化教育处提供,数据更新于2008年8月。统计显示其中115所院校接受IELTS成绩,占总数的88.5%;在前五十位院校中有47所[阅读全文:]
摘要: 院校名称 雅思成绩 Aberdeen University 6 Abertay University, Dundee 5.5 Anglia Polytechnic University 5.5 Aston University 6 Bath Spa University College 5.5 Bath Univer[阅读全文:]
摘要: 雅思笔试评分标准: 听力Score Band score 1 1 2 to 3 2 4 to 9 3 10 to 15 4 16 to 22 5 23 to 29 6 30 to 34 7 35 to 39 8 40 9 阅读A类Score Band score 1 1来源:网 2 to[阅读全文:]
摘要: 雅思听力选择题型解题指导 雅思听力中的选择题型包括单选题,多选题与配对题,是两大基本题型之一(另一为填空题型)。考试中同学们对选择题型的普遍感觉是:信息出现速度快,比较杂乱,因而[阅读全文:]
摘要: 在最近刚结了的一期雅思听力课程中,有很多同学向我抱怨一个问题:在雅思听力练习过程中,有些单词好像没有听清楚就被一带而过了,甚至有些词好像根本就没有听到。而这其中的一些词正好又是练习中需要填的词,因[阅读全文:]
摘要: 雅思听力考试总是让一些“烤鸭”很头疼,对此久经“考验”的“烤鸭”们根据经验,总结出雅思听力考试的十三条潜规则,观点仅供参考。 一、顺序原则:只要是雅思听力考试的真题,40个题目全部都[阅读全文:]