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Don't wanna let you go



(图)Don't wanna let you go [Five]Don't wanna let you go [Five]

5ive最早的雏型得追溯至1996年时,RCA唱片的顾问Simon Cowell觉得现在的女孩团体看起来都比男生团体强多了,也有越来越多的年轻孩子渴望听到更有自我个性的男生团体,于是他急急忙忙找来Bob和Chris父子档(Spice Girls辣妹合唱团的幕后总舵手)共商大计,最后从三千多个男孩的筛选过程中,这三个人终于找到了让他们十分满意的五位不只面子好看,里子也呱呱叫的小伙子。最重要的是,他们很有自己的主见,也绝对不跟其它已成名的男孩偶像团走一样的路,打算彻底推翻男孩偶像团的定义。这支五人队伍将他们自己喜欢的灵魂、摇滚、Hip-Hop、舞曲等多样元素融为一炉,创造出一种迥异于时下其它男孩偶像团体的诱人风采。而英国著名流行音乐杂志Smash Hits的编辑Gavin Reeve更表示:「这五个毛头小子竟然驾轻就熟地融合了对其他团来说难度嫌高的东西,而他们充满街头的味道,感觉有点像年轻时候的Beastie Boys。」
5ive在1997年推出成军后的首支单曲“Slam Dunk Da Funk”,发行后便立即成为英国畅销金曲,迅速窜升至英国榜冠军位置,可说是一鸣惊人。而在大西洋彼岸的美国也同样热力十足,挤进告示牌排行榜TOP 20,对于一个刚出道的团体而言,实属难能可贵。而他们在1998年所推出的第二支单曲“When The Lights Go Out”也同样取得英国榜第4名、美国榜TOP 10的佳绩;第三首单曲“Got The Feeling”更是沿续前两首单曲的魅力,而且火力更加旺盛,在英美两国同时创下第3名的优异成绩,奠定其王牌少男团体的地位。除此之外,其首张专辑《Five》更荣登英国金榜冠军首席,赢得全球超过百万乐迷的支持。1999年推出节奏强烈、旋律明快的单曲“If Ya Gettin' Down”同样不减当年的火力,仍获得歌迷的高度支持。


don't wanna let you go
we just wanna tell you
just wanna let you know
that we'll stay around
so what else can you do
you've said all you have to
we're coming after you
so don't make a sound

i got this feelin
could it be there's someone watching over me
tell me who you are
i close my eyes and count from nine
to try and find some peace of mind
but it's gone too far

you see our faces every time you turn your head around
we'll be watching even when you turn the lights down
we will always be around
no matter where you are

don't wanna let you go
we just wanna tell you
just wanna let you know
that we'll stay around
so what else can you do
you've said all you have to
we're coming after you
so don't make a sound

i'm all alone now in the dark
just one chance so we can talk
that is all i ask
i close my eyes and then i dream
i always wake up to a scream
wonder where you are

don't you know we're always gonna be around you
and there really isn't anything you can do
we will always be around
no matter where you are

don't wanna let you go
we just wanna tell you
just wanna let you know
that we'll stay around
so what else can you do
you've said all you have to
we're coming after you
so don't make a sound


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