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unforgivable sinner



(图)unforgivable sinner [lene marlin]unforgivable sinner [lene marlin]

她的父母给她取名Lene Marlin Pedersen,她就是如今大家熟知的Lene Marlin。Lene父母在她很小的时候就感觉她与众不同,Lene说,在她两岁的有一天,在音乐店里第一次看到了吉他,她极感兴趣, 以致父母要抱她离开时竟然大哭起来。Lene在音乐和练习吉他方面投入了很多热情, 她发现她能在音乐里找到很多乐趣,同时写歌和唱歌也让她感到十分快乐。

    Lene十五岁时, 父母在圣诞节给了她一个惊喜:她得到了第一把吉他, 那把她珍藏至今的吉他。而这把吉他好象本身就是为Lene制作的, Lene学得很快。不久,Lene在她的一圈好朋友面前表演了一番。Lene最开始写的歌都是用家里的盒式录音机录下来的, 她反复听并不断使它们完美。

    1997年夏季的某一天,Lene家乡的NRK(挪威主要的一个广播电视台)的Troms从别人那里知道了Lene这样一个能自己写歌唱歌的女孩,就邀请Lene去录了一首歌, 电视台一些人听过Lene的音乐后就向挪威 Virgin唱片的Per-Erik Johansen推荐。三个星期后,Virgin唱片和 Lene签约了, 从此Lene的生命翻开了更精彩的一页。

    1998年, Lene的第一张单曲唱片“Unforgivable Sinner” 在挪威发行。随之,连续8周这张单曲名列排行榜首位。它也是挪威音乐历史上销售速度最快的单曲唱片。 Lene的第二支单曲“Sitting Down Here”也创下很好的成绩, 并被收入她的第一张专辑“Playing My Game”中, 这张99年三月22日发行的专辑,仅仅三天就销售50,000张, 这在仅有四百四十万人口的国家里确实是一个相当不错的成绩。(这意味着如果在美国, 一个歌手的专辑在三天内需买出 3,400,000张才和这个比例相当。)99年,这张专辑的销售一直居高不下。 对Lene Marlin和Virgin唱片来说,他们的签约都很有价值。

    Lene夺得了挪威格莱美的四项大奖。 1999年11月11日在都柏林举行的MTV(欧洲)颁奖中,Lene获得最佳北欧艺人奖。去年秋天曾有一首来自北欧小国挪威的甜美但不媚俗的清凉情歌“Unforgivable Sinner” 一举横扫全欧洲的各大排行榜,从而成为了挪威有史以来销量最高,销售速度最快的单曲唱片。


Kinda lose your sense of time
'Cause the days don't matter no more
All the feelings that you hide
Gonna tear you up inside
You hope she knows you tried

Follows you around all day
And you wake up soaking wet
'Cause between this world and eternity
There is a face you hope to see

You know where you've sent her
You sure know where you are
You're trying to ease off
But you know you won't get far
And now she's up there
Sings like an angel
But you can't hear those words
And now she's up there
Sings like an angel
Unforgivable Sinner

You've been walking around in tears
No answers are there to get
You won't ever be the same
Someone cries and you're to blame

Struggling with a fight inside
Sorrow you'll defeat
The picture you see it won't disappear
Not unpleasant dreams or her voice you hear

You know where you've sent her
You sure know where you are
You're trying to ease off
But you know you won't get far
And now she's up there
Sings like an angel
But you can't hear those words
And now she's up there
Sings like an angel
Unforgivable Sinner

Maybe one time lost
But now you're found
Stand right up before
You hit the ground
Maybe one time lost
But now you're found
Stand right up before
You hit the ground - hit the ground

You know where you've sent her
You sure know where you are
You're trying to ease off
But you know you won't get far
And now she's up there
Sings like an angel
But you can't hear those words
And now she's up there
Sings like an angel
Unforgivable Sinner


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