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you are the one



(图)you are the one [C21]you are the one [C21]


  但这个三重唱组合的最初的成立并非来自唱片业中众人皆知的概念或模式。C21的故事始于一个足球俱乐部的更衣室:三年前,16岁的Soren是梦想到超级杯踢球的队员,但爱好音乐的他经常在更衣室里大声歌唱。直到一天某队友的父亲Lars Quang听到了歌声邀请Soren去他开的录音室试音,Soren的命运才真正与音乐结缘。很快,Soren把他的高中同学Esben也从中学乐队拉到录音室,进而两人在一次派对热身演出时碰到了另一位有天份的歌手--David。当David拿起吉他加入Soren和Esben的音乐世界时,C21才真正诞生了。共同的兴趣和爱好让他们擦出了音乐上的火花,首张单曲《Stuck In My Heart》是完满的答案,凭借优美的旋律在众多的排行榜上留下骄人的成绩;成员Soren在接受采访的时候说:"我们并不是传统的流行或是男孩团体,那些广播电台播放的音乐是我们最喜欢的,我们创造的流行音乐不光有优美的旋律,更有一些摇滚音乐的元素,这样听起来感觉很好!" 同时,对于巡回演出,索伦说:"我们从没有在现场演出中以对口型的方式表演,我们要向观众们证明我们真的能唱,我们总是拔掉吉他,然后进行一段不插电演出。" 

  2002年的单曲《Stuck In My Heart》一推出就窜升到单曲排行的TOP 10,这首单曲展示了C21的完美合声、令人陶醉的音乐以及国际水平的制作和演唱。首张唱片《C21》很快录制完成并于2003年初在欧洲发行。其中的大部分歌曲都是C21自己创作,登台演唱时,他们还会自己弹吉它伴奏。《Be With You Again》是首节奏轻快、朗朗上口的流行曲子,深受大家的喜爱,这首轻快的歌曲实际上已经成为C21现场表演中的保留歌曲。在《You Just Wait And See》和《Could You Ever》中,繁复的吉他加上和谐的歌声让人感觉放松。轻快的《Hanging On A String》则是电影《Catch That Girl》 中的配乐歌曲,一度广为流传。但突显C21宽广音乐范围的是《Deep Down》,C21在这首歌中显露出了R&B的风格。整张唱片被定位为高品味的经典流行音乐,但也融入了C21特有男声三重调及时代风格。


    可是在2005年的春天,成员Esben选择了退出C21,原本打算自组乐队Warehouse的他,最后还是选择了从商,现在一家保险公司工作,同时还是会和Lars Quang一起担任Warehouse的歌曲制作工作,也许以后不太能看到Esben了,但相信他的作品还是会陪伴着我们。2005年12月15日,C21正式宣布解散了。


It’s early in the morning
soon another day will dawn
I can’t wait to feel your arms
around me again
I believe that we could
lay down the world
together we could live
the dream that never ends
Open up the door
just a little more
baby let me in
You are the one, You are the one
who can make moments last forever
The one that makes the sun shine
where ever you go
You are the one
why make it harder, than it has to be
just listen, I’ll give you love
if you’ll give me your heart
Everytime I near you
time is standing still
there’s nothing you can’t fix
with your heavenly smile
I would never leave you
my love is for life
taking things for granted
was never my style
Just give a little love
say you’ll never stop
I’ll do anything
You are the one, You are the one
who can make moments last forever
The one that makes the sun shine
where ever you go
You are the one
why make it harder, than it has to be
just listen, I’ll give you love
if you’ll give me your heart
And I’ll do anything
if you give me your heart
ahh ahh yeah
I’ll do anything
You are the one, You are the one
who can make moments last forever
The one that makes the sun shine
where ever you go
You are the one
give a little love
say you’ll never stop
and I’ll do anything
I’ll give you love
if you’ll give me your heart
who can make moments last forever
The one that makes the sun shine
where ever you go
you are the one
why make it harder, than it has to be
just listen, I’ll give you love
if you’ll give me your heart


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