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1) 不及物动词+副词

The war broke out in 1939. 战争于1939年爆发。
She didn’t want to fall behind in her studies. 她不愿意学习落后。
How did the accident come about? 这事故是怎样发生的?
The wind has died down a bit. 风平息了一点。
back away      back down    back off      boil over    break away
break out      check up     close in      cloud over   come about
come apart     come on      come around   come up      cool off
crop up        cut in       die away      die down     die out
doze off       drag on      drop back     drop by      drop out
case up        fade away    fall apart    fall behind  fall through
fight back     flare up     fool around   forge ahead  get about
get along      get up       give in       go ahead     go along
go away        go on        go out        go up        grow up
hang together  hit out      hold on       let up       lie back
lie down       look ahead   look back     look in      make off
melt away      move off     move over     own up       pass away
press ahead    press on     push ahead    push on      ring off
run away       run out      rush in       set in       settle down
shop around    sit back     sit down      speak up     stand back
start out      stay on      stay up       step aside   step down
step in        stop by      stop off      stop over    touch down
watch out      wear off

2) 不及物动词+介词

(1) He could not account for his absence from school. 他无法解释他为什么缺课。
(2) I called on her this morning. 今早我拜访了她。
(3) I ran across her in the library yesterday. 昨天我在图书馆碰到了她。
(4) You’d better wait and watch for a better chance. 你最好等等,留心更好的机会。
abide by       account for       allow for     ask after       bank on
break into     break with        bump into     burst into      call for
call on        care for          come across   come by         come for
come into      come to           come upon     count on        dawn on
deal with      dispose of        draw on       drive at        dwell on
embark on      enter into        fall into     feel for        frown upon
get at         get into          get over      go about        go for
head for       hit on            jump at       keep to         laugh at
leap at        live for          live off      look after      look into
look to        make for          meet with     part with        pick at
plan for       play at           play on       provide for      reason with
reckon on      run across        run into      see to           seize on
set about      stand for         stem from    stick at          take after
trifle with    wait for          wait on      watch for
不及物动词+副词                                   不及物动词+介词
We mustn’t lag behind.                           We mustn’t lag behind others.

我们不能落后。                                    我们不能落在别人后   面。
They hope to break through soon in this research. The allies sought to break through the German lines. 他们希望这项研究不久能取得突破。                  盟军设法突破了德军的防线。
We must be getting off now.                        Then they got off the bus.

现在我们得动身了。                                 随后他们下车了。
Let’s all join in.                                 He joined in the march.

咱们都参加进去。                                    他参加了游行。

3) 及物动词+副词

(1)He is trying to bring about a reconciliation. 他在努力促成和解。
(2)I’ll try to hurry him up. 我来设法催促他。
(3)The trolley-bus stopped to put down three passengers. 电车停下来,让三位乘客下车。
(4)They are going to knock down those old houses. 他们要拆掉那些老房子。
add up        answer back       back up       beat up        blow up
break in      break off         break up      bring about    bring forward
bring in      bring off         bring up      call back      call off
call out      carry off         carry on      carry out      catch up
check in      check out         cheer up      clean out      close down
count out     cover up          cross out     cut down       cut off
cut out       dig up            drag in       drag out       draw up
dress up      drink up          drive out     eat up         fight off
fill up       find out          finish up     fix up         follow up
gather up     get in            get out       give away      give back
give off      give up           hand down     hand in        hand out
hand over     hand round        have on       heat up        help out
hold out      hold up           hunt down     hurry up       hush up
kick out      knock down        knock out     knock over     lay down
lay off       leave behind      leave out     let down       let in
let off       let out           lift up       look out       look up
make out      make up           mix up        note down      open up
order about   pass off          pass over      pass round    pay back
pay off       play down         play up        plug in       point out
pull apart    pull down         put forward    put off       put on
put out       put up            read out       rub out       rule out
run over      rush through      see off        seek out      sell off
send up       set aside         set off        set out       shoot down
show off      show up           sign up        slow down     smooth over
sort out      spread out        stamp out      start off     step up
stick out     sum up            switch off      switch on    take apart
take back     take off          take on         take over    take up
talk over     tear off          tear up         tell apart   think over
thresh out    throw away        throw out       tidy up      tie down
tire out      tone down         track down      try on       try out
turn away     turn back         turn down       turn in      turn on
turn out      turn up           wake up         warm up      wash up
wear out      win back          win over        wind up      work out
(1) Don’t build on his promises. 不要信赖他的诺言。
(2) He talked me into changing my job. 他说服我改换了工作。
(3) They showed her round the house. 他们带她在屋里到处看了看。
(4) She set the children against their father. 她让孩子们反对他们的父亲。

4) 动词+副词+介词

(1) I can’t put up with these noisy people. 我无法忍受这些嘈杂的人。
(2) You might come up against a bit of opposition. 你可能会遭到一点反对。
(3) Don’t look down on this kind of work. 不要看不起这种工作。
(4) I’m looking forward to her arrival. 我期盼着她的到来。
be in for         boil down to         brush up on           call out for
catch up with     come down on         come down to          come down with
come in for       come out against     come out in           come out of
come out with     come up against      come up to            come up with
crack down on     cry out against      cry out for           cut back on
date back to      do away with         face up to            fall back on
fall in with      get away with        get down to           get off with
get on to         get on with          get round to          go back on
go in for         go off with          go over to            go through with
grow out of       keep in with         keep on at             keep up with
lead up to        live up to           look down on           look forward to
look out for      look up to           make away with         make off with
make up to        match up to          measure up to          put up with
run away with     run off with         run up against         stick out for
suck up to        take up with         talk down to           tie in with
walk away from    walk away with       walk off with

5) 包含名词的动词成语

a. 动词+名词
bear a grudge                break the ice                 catch fire
change one’s mind            do right (wrong)             face the music
give away                     go halves                    have one’s way
hold one’s breath             hold one’s tongue           hold water
keep company                   keep one’s head             keep one’s temper
keep one’s words              keep silence                 lead the way
lose face                      lose ground                  lose heart
lose one’s head               lose one’s temper           lose one’s way
lose weight                    make a fuss                  make a hit
make a point                   make scene                   make haste
make love                      make one’s way              make sense
make way                       play truant                  set feet
take a chance                  take a risk                  take a seat
take steps                     take action                  take aim
take care                      take effect                  take heart
take notes                     take offence                 take office
take place                     take root                    take sides
b. 动词+名词+介词
attach importance to           catch glimpses of             catch sight of
find fault with                get hold of                   get rid of
get wind of                    give credit for               give place to
give rise to                   give thought to               give voice to
have confidence in             have control of               have design on
have pity on                   keep pace with                lay hold of
lose sight of                  lose touch with               lose track of
make a mess of                 make a note of                make a secret of
make a success of              make allowances for           make demands on
make eye at                    make friends with             make fun of
make much of                   make room for                 pay a visit to
pay attention to               pay tribute to                play a part in
set fire to                    set store by                  take advantage of
take care of                   take control of               take credit for
take delight in                take hold of                  take interest in
take liberties with            take note of                  take notice of
take leave of                  take part in                  take pity on
take revenge on                take stock of
c. 动词+介词+名词:
bring to an end                 bring to light                bring to power
bring under control             burst into tears              call to mind
call to order                   catch by surprise             come into being
come into blossom               come into conflict            come into effect
come into fashion               come into power               come into sight
come to a climax                come to a conclusion          come to a halt (stop)
come to blows                   come to fruition              come to grief
come to life                    come to light                 fall into line
fall to pieces                  get in touch                  get to work
go to bed (sleep)               go to pieces                  go to waste
have in mind                    keep in check                 keep in mind
leave to chance                 put at ease                    put in order
put in touch                    put into effect (force)        put into practice
put on airs                     put on weight                  put to bed (sleep)
put to death                    put to flight                  put to rights
put to shame                    put to use                     set in motion
set on fire                     set to music                   stand on ceremony
stand to reason                 take by surprise               take in hand
take into account               take into consideration        take to heart




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