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1. Be real from the start 从一开始就要真实
When you greet your interview, smile a real smile that engages your eyes, and offer a firm handshake. Say something like, “I’m pleased to meet you” to provide a positive anchor.

2. watch the excess energy观察
The more energy you have, the more will need to be vented. This often results in mannerisms Hartley terms” adapts.” What this means is that excess energy gets dissipated into fidgeting,
a define sign that you’re nervous or ill at ease. While it is easy to say, “Watch the fidgeting,” drive suggests you never touch your face, throat, mouth, or ears during an interview. The interview
May think that you are holding something back, typically, the truth. Although, this is a false assumption, to try to establish credibility, it’s necessary to avoid touching your face.

3. what to do with those hands and arms 如何处置手和臂的动作
Drive says that clasped hands are a signal that you are closed off. A palm-to-palm gesture with one thumbs over the other thumb sends the signal that you need the interview’s reassurance.
To come across as confident, receptive and unguarded, have your hands open and relaxed on the table. When your body is open, your project trustworthiness.
Avoid crossing your arms over your chest. When you do, you signal that you are close-minded, defensive or bored and disinterested.

4. crossing those legs 二郎腿
Don’t cross your legs. According to driver, this posture creates a wall between you and your interview. It can also become a distraction when you keep crossing your legs back and forth. Crossed ankles are a “no-no” because you are signaling that you want to be elsewhere.

5. posture 姿势
A straight posture is imperative during an interview. Pull your shoulders back and sit up straight. You will give yourself a burst of confidence and allow for good breathing. This can help you to
\avoid, or at least reduce, feelings of nervousness and discomfort.

6. Finger gesture 手指的动作
Bet you never thought you had to worry about your fingers during an interview. Drive suggests that steeping your fingers makes you look arrogant. She also says to never point your index fingers like gun barrels. These are the types of aggressive messages you want to avoid sending.




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