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Emma和Liv是一起长大、不分彼此的好友,她们的梦想是拥有完美的婚礼。这天,Liv和Emma在整理衣物时无意间发现了Liv的男友Daniel准备送给Liv的订婚戒指,    兴奋的Liv迫不及待地要打开礼盒,却被Emma的尖叫声阻止了……


Deb: Emma, there you are.
Emma: Oh, God, Deb. Hi.
Deb: I know. Isn't it gorgeous? God, I feel so blessed to have this body.
Emma: You know, I am so late...
Deb: No, no, no. Listen. You gotta help me out here. You know the debate team?
Emma: Yeah.
Deb: I cannot go to the state finals. I mean, children talking about their little problems. Ugh! You gotta do it for me.
Emma: Yeah, Deb, I'm already doing your late bus patrol and pep squad and your after-school detention. You're the debate team adviser. I don't think that I should...
Deb: I know. I do so much. I wish I could just do the bare minimum. I so admire you for that.
Emma: Thank you.
Deb: Anyway, all right, look. Here's how we'll work it out. I'll do the debate team...
Emma: Okay, good.
Deb: Uh-huh. If you take my Tuesday study halls for the rest of the year. Okay?
Emma: Yeah, that's...No.
Deb: All right. You owe me, girl. Get out of the hallway, kids!
Liv: You know why she does this? You're the best teacher at that school.
Emma: No, I-
Liv: She's trying to overwork you, so you crack under pressure. Middle school's a jungle.
Emma: I don't know. I think she's kind of sad. I mean, she's been divorced, like, three times.
Liv: She's way ahead of us. I mean, where are our divorces? I gotta get married first. God, I hate Daniel! (phone rings) No, Kevin. I'm dealing with a crisis.
Emma: What's your crisis?
Liv: Uh, that's code for "I don't want to talk to you."
Emma: Oh, I see. Well, then thank you for putting me through.
Liv: See? I told you those jeans would look great on you.
Emma: They aren't too tight?
Liv: No, no. Not at all. But this- I mean, Emma, yellow - Not your color. Okay? Seriously. Oh, but you know what? Try this. Because - You know what? Keep it. It never hung right on me anyway.
Emma: Of course it doesn't hang right on you. It's...my size, and it's new. This is the Dolce blouse I told you about last week.
Emma: Liv, I can't.
Liv: Hey, hey. It was on sale. I practically made money on it.
Emma: Liv, it's too much.
Liv: Emma, Emma. Emma- Just say thank you. just-
Emma: Thank you. It's beautiful. I love it.
Liv: Good. Now this- Emma's stuff. Emma's stuff. Let's get rid of it at one point. You moved out, like, a hundred years ago. Okay. Daniel's sweater? Cardigan? You wanna try that?
Emma: Yeah, love it.
Liv: Tiffany box.
Emma: You're getting engaged?
Liv: I'm getting engaged. I'm getting engaged!
Emma: You're getting engaged! Oh, my God!
Liv: Oh, my God! Emma-
Emma: No! Stop it.
Liv: No.
Emma: Liv!
Liv: I have to look.
Emma: Stop it!
Liv: No, no! You can't stop me.
Emma: No!!! I'm sorry. But he should see your face when you first see the ring.
Liv: Good call. You always think of others, Emma. It never occurs to me like that. I mean, sometimes it does.
Emma: I'm really happy for you.
Emma: Promise me you won't tell anyone until after he proposes.                                                                                       Liv: Oh, God. I would never. I'd be out of my mind. (walking into the pub) I'm engaged!


1. help out: 帮助......摆脱困境或解决困难。例句: My father helped me out when I lost my job. 我失业时我父亲帮我摆脱困境。

2. pep squad:(学生、尤其指女孩组成的)啦啦队。

3. overwork: 使工作过度,使过分劳累。影片中Liv的意思是Deb故意增加Emma的工作负担,让Emma在重压下垮掉。例句: You mustn't overwork yourself. 你别太劳累了。

4. crack: <口> 垮掉,吃不消,屈服。例句: His health cracked under the strain.他的身体因过度劳累而垮下来了。

5. jungle: 弱肉强食的地方,生存竞争激烈残酷之处。例句: the faculty jungle at a leading university名牌大学师资队伍中的激烈竞争

6.She's way ahead of us: 她远远地在我们前面。way有"远远地,大大地,非常"的意思。例句:way back in the sixties早在六十年代;way cool酷毙了;Our expectations were way, way too high.我们的期望真是太高太高了。

7. put sb. through: 为......接通电话。Emma知道Liv对电话那头编的假话后,假装自己是电话那头的人,说:谢谢你能接我的电话。意思是:你这么忙(dealing with a crisis),还接我的电话。因为Emma知道Liv说的是假话,所以她明显是在调侃。例句: Could you put me through to the manager?你能替我把电话接到经理那里吗?

8. call: 理由。例如:You have no call to talk like that.你没有理由那样说话。

9. occur to sb.: 被想起,被想到。Liv的意思是她压根没有想过这个问题,即应该让Daniel看到她惊喜的表情。例句: A smart idea occurred to her.她想到了一个绝妙的主意。

10. out of one's mind: 精神错乱,发狂。Liv对Emma说如果她把订婚的消息告诉别人,那她一定是疯了。但是她刚说完这句话,就抑制不住内心的喜悦,对着酒吧里的朋友大声公布了她的喜讯。例句: He was out of his mind with grief.他伤心得精神错乱了。





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