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09-14 23:10 最新历史版本 4311 0 0



The pain came on suddenly while walking up the stairs and it was persistent.


感觉疼痛 feel (have; suffer from) a pain; pain is felt in ; feel painful

头痛 have a headache; be troubled with a headache; feel a pain in one's head

患剧烈头痛 have a nasty (bad) headache

时常头痛 be subject (a martyr) to headaches

有撞击似的两侧性头痛 have bilateral pounding headaches

头痛逐渐地变为频发(较不严重) headaches gradually become more frequent (less severe)


There is occasional, transient, nondescript pain, or sensibility during mastication.


The tooth became sore to pressure and there is a dull gnawing pain.


ex1:Epigastric pain comes immediately after meal.

ex2:Colic pain came on and off since yesterday.

ex3:This pain has been relentlessly postprandial, regardless of the character of her meals.

ex4:The joint pains were present mainly at night, with relief during the day.

ex5:The mild frontal headaches were usually present upon awakening, but not severe enough to require analgesics.

ex6:The pain usually commenced within 30 minutes after meals and lasted 1 to 3 hours.


ex1:He described the pain as dull and aching, occurring approximately once a week, unrelated to food intake, and radiating to his back.


The pain initially was steady, but after several hours became episodic.

恒常(痛) constant

间歇(痛) intermittent

偶(痛) occasional

急性(痛) acute

钝麻(痛),闷(痛) dull

搏动性的 throbbing


抽(痛) twinge

锐(痛),急(痛) sharp

刺(射)痛 stabbing ( shooting) pain

钻锥(痛) boring

穿刺(痛) piercing

窜(痛) darting

被咬样的(痛) gnawing

似裂(痛) tearing (splitting)

胀(痛) bursting

刀割样(痛) knife like

痉挛(痛) crampy

拉(痛) dragging

箍(痛) girdle like (constricting)

痛得打滚 writhing

极痛的 excruciating

切割的(痛) lancinating

绞性痛 colic (colicky pain)

剧痛 severe (pungent; intense)

感应痛 referred pain

坠痛 bearing down pain

发生遍身的酸痛 develop diffuse body aching

有剧烈的骨盘痛 have exquisite pelvic pain

牙痛频发 continual bouts of toothache

一阵阵剧烈的牙痛 the pangs of a toothache

带有胸膜炎性状的右胸痛 right sided pain of a pleuritic character

发生阵痛性的疼痛 have labor like pains


The pain was steady, sharp and boring in nature (character).


The pain was identical with what she had complained of.

pain reappears (relapses); pain breaks out again; a return of the pain


The pain under the left breast recurred at intervals but was not constant.


The pain rarely returned after his evening meal and it was not affected when he ingested milk or antacid.


At times pain radiates down the back of the right lower extremity to the foot.

pain radiates ( travels) to …; pain radiating from … to …; radiation of the pain to …


The pain radiated around toward the groin, relieved by lying down and aggravated

while standing.


On the day of admission he experienced increasingly severe pain with radiation to the right scapular area and shoulders.


The pain was confined to the midline and was aggravated by heavy labor.

疼痛存在于 the pain is limited to; the pain is located (localized; situated) in (or over) ; there is localized pain in …

遍在痛 generalized (general; extensive; unlocalized) pain


At first the pain was generalized in the (whole) abdomen; but it subsequently localized to the R.U.Q.


The pain, which began (originated) in the R.L.Q., soon became localized in the L.U.Q.

疼痛减轻 pain is relieved by , relieve (ease, allay, alleviate, assuage, abate, soothe) the pain, pains decrease (grow less, go down , fall off)

疼痛减轻了 the pain became lighter

疼痛的严重度减少 the severity of the pain waned

疼痛未停止 the pain did no ease


The pain and diarrhea abated, but he felt tired and weak since then.


The chest pain is sometimes relieved by a change of position, but only temporarily.



The pain was markedly accentuated by deep inspiration, although it was not pleuritic in nature.


The pain is most severe at night when he lies on his right side.