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安娜·卡列尼娜 Anna Karenina


    在世界文学的巍巍群山中,堪与莎士比亚、歌德、巴尔扎克这几座高峰比肩而立的俄国作家当首推列夫·托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy)。托尔斯泰是一位有思想的艺术家,也是一位博学的艺术大师。他的作品展现的社会画面之广阔,蕴含的思想之丰饶,融会的艺术、语言、哲学、历史、民俗乃至自然科学等各种知识之广博,常常令人望洋兴叹。《安娜·卡列尼娜》是他的一部既美不胜收而又博大精深的巨著。

(图)Leo TolstoyLeo Tolstoy




(图)Anna KareninaAnna Karenina

  有一天,安娜与丈夫卡列宁一起去看一场盛大的赛马会,比赛中渥伦斯基从马上摔了下来,安娜情不自禁地大声惊叫,卡列宁认为安娜有失检点,迫使她提前退场。安娜无法忍受丈夫的虚伪与自私“我爱他……我憎恶你……”。卡列宁考虑了决斗但又怕死;离婚又损名誉,考虑再三最后决定“不能因为一个下贱的女人犯了罪的缘故使自己不幸”,于是他要安娜维持表面的夫妻关系。安娜已怀了渥伦斯基的孩子,在她分娩时,由于产褥热而感染重病,拍电报给到边远省份去调查的卡列宁,卡列宁匆匆赶回,但心里希望妻子早点死掉,安娜在昏迷中呼唤卡列宁的名字,请求他与渥伦斯基和好,卡列宁深受感动,原谅了她和渥伦斯基的背叛安娜 卡列尼娜的封面。由于卡列宁的令人吃惊的宽厚,渥伦斯基感到自己是那么的卑劣、渺小。安娜的爱情和自己的前途又是那么的渺茫,绝望、羞耻、负罪感使他举起了手枪自杀,但没有死。死而复生的安娜和渥伦斯基的爱情更加炽热,渥伦斯基带着安娜离开了彼得堡,他们到国外旅行去了。在奥勃朗斯基家的宴会上,列文与吉提彼此消除了隔阂,互相爱慕。不久他们结婚了,婚后他们回到列文的农庄,吉提亲自掌管家务,列文撰写农业改革的论文,他们生活很幸福美满。旅行了三个月,安娜感到无比的幸福,但她却以名誉和儿子为代价。归国后,她没有回家,而是住在旅馆里,由于思念儿子,在儿子谢辽沙生日那天,偷偷去看他,天真无邪的谢辽沙不放妈妈走,他含着泪说:“再没有比你更好的人了。”

(图)Anna KareninaAnna Karenina



1.All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
These famous opening lines of Anna Karenina hearken back to the genre of the family novel, a type of work that had been popular in Russia several decades earlier but was already outmoded by the 1870s. Tolstoy revisits this old genre in order to give his own spin on family values, which were a popular target of attack for young Russian liberals at the time. Moreover, this opening sentence of Anna Karenina sets a philosophical tone that persists throughout the work. It is not a narrative beginning that tells a story about particular characters and their actions. Rather, it is a generalization, much like a philosophical or scientific argument. It makes a universal statement and is set in the present tense rather than the novelist's preferred past tense. Tolstoy thus announces that he is more than just a novelist, and that his aims are greater than simply weaving a tale for us. He wants us to philosophize about happiness, in the grand tradition set by the philosopher Plato two thousand years earlier.

(图)Anna KareninaAnna Karenina

Yet it is no simple matter to relate this statement about family happiness to the novel as a whole. It is difficult to test the validity of the straightforward assertion that all happy families are alike, as we do not encounter any ideally happy families in Anna Karenina. The Oblonskys are torn apart by adultery and financial problems; the Karenins separate in scandal; and even Levin's happy marriage suffers jealous fits and frequent quarrels. Moreover, Tolstoy's statement produces mixed reactions in us: we want to be happy but we do not wish to be exactly like everyone else. The only way to preserve one's uniqueness—in one's “own way”—is by accepting unhappiness. This double bind is the same dilemma that the newly married Levin feels when he struggles between domestic satisfaction on one hand and the need for independence and individualism on the other. It is Tolstoy's version of the Christian idea of original sin: what makes us unique and human is also that which exiles us from happiness.

2.“Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be. But if you don't love me, it would be better and more honest to say so.”
In these lines from Part Seven, Chapter XXIV, Anna reproaches Vronsky for putting his mother's needs before hers. When Vronsky asks to postpone their move to the country a few days so that he can transact some business for Countess Vronsky first, Anna objects, prompting Vronsky to say it is a pity Anna does not respect his mother. Anna's response dismisses the very notion of respect in a rather surprising way. First, Anna makes an irrational connection between Vronsky's mother in the first sentence and herself in the second. Anna refers to the lack of love Vronsky must feel for his mother and then immediately—saying “But” as if continuing the same thought—refers to his lack of love for herself, Anna. We see clearly that, as in many marital quarrels, the apparent topic of conversation (Vronsky's respect for his mother) thinly covers the underlying topic of the spouses' relationship. Second, Anna's contrast between respect and love is startling, even illogical. Most of us value respect and do not consider it the opposite of love or a substitute for love. But we must remember Anna's situation: respect is a public virtue, while love is a private one, and Anna is an outcast from society with no hopes of public pardon. We cannot blame her for hating the social respect that will never be hers again. Moreover, Anna's anger at Vronsky retains traces of her frustration with Karenin. Respectability is Karenin's great concern, often to the detriment of his private life, as when he prefers keeping a rotten marriage that looks respectable to an honest divorce that would have the potential to accommodate love.

3. “. . . [M]y life now, my whole life, regardless of all that may happen to me, every minute of it, is not only not meaningless, as it was before, but has the unquestionable meaning of the good which it is in my power to put into it!”
In the closing lines of Anna Karenina, Levin's exuberant affirmation of his new faith and philosophy of life reminds us of Tolstoy's aim for his novel, which is philosophical as much as narrative. A typical novel might have ended with Anna's dramatic suicide, but Tolstoy's work concludes with an abstract philosophical statement. Levin's meditation also provides a final instance of how his experiences mirror Anna's. His beginning reflects Anna's end. Levin gains a claim to “my whole life . . . every minute of it” shortly after Anna has utterly lost her whole life. Levin's gain corresponds precisely to Anna's loss, in a symmetry typical of Tolstoy's careful structuring of the novel.
Levin's concluding meditation also mirrors Anna's last thoughts in its focus on the self. Just as Anna, on her fateful ride to the station, fixates on how we cannot escape ourselves, affirming darkly that we are always our own worst enemies, Levin also asserts here the central place of the self in existence. The difference is that Levin finds the self to be not a punisher, as Anna does, but a nurturer that puts value into life, as a farmer—such as Levin himself—puts seeds into the ground. Anna's self is a destroyer, while Levin's is a creator. Both selves are paramount in defining the reality of one's existence. This focus on the self as the center of existence links Tolstoy with the literary modernists that followed him, and helps explain Tolstoy's monumental impact on twentieth-century literature and thought.


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