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New Kid on the Block


Hillary Clinton: New Kid on the Block
Yale Student: We've got one of our own Yale Senators right here with us on stage.
Only the warmest of welcomes from Yale's graduating class, its 300th. Her address combined humor...

Hillary Clinton: In all the years since I have been at Yale, the most important thing that I have to say today is that hair matters.

Yale Student: Politics and reminiscences from her years as a Yale University law student. But her main theme: a plea for students not to turn away from the political process.

Hillary Clinton: Bring your values and experiences and insights into politics. Dare to help make, not just a difference in politics, but create a different politics.

Hillary Clinton: President Bush's extremely large tax plan would spend trillions we don't have and may never have. If we reverse the engines of economic growth by adopting President Bush's tax proposal, I fear that we will reverse the progress we've made by increasing interest rates now and by saddling our children with big debts in the future. I know and respect that President Bush supports faith-based programs but his tax plan should not be one of them. Going forward with a huge tax proposal now is like getting a letter from Ed McMan and going out to buy a yacht. A surplus projection is not a promise. And if the past is any guide, it's not even a likely outcome.

Hillary Clinton (At National Press Club): This is a very creative, imaginative group. No, I have said that I am not running. And I am having a great time being pres...of being a first-term, being a first-term Senator. You are going to get me into so much trouble.


reminiscence  n.回想, 记忆力, 怀旧
plea  n.恳求, 请求, 辩解, 藉口
trillion  num.万亿
adopt  vt.采用, 收养
saddle  n.鞍, 鞍状物  v.承受
yacht  n.游艇, 快艇, 轻舟  vi.驾游艇, 乘游艇
imaginative  adj.想象的, 虚构的





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