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08-01 20:18 最新历史版本 2702 0 0


Accord: agreement
Air: to make known, broadcast
Assail: To criticize strongly
Axe: To dismiss from a job; To cut, destroy, take away
Back: To support
Balk: To refuse to accept
Ban: Prohibition; prohibit
Bar: Not to allow, exclude
Bid: Attempt, offer
Bilk: To cheat
Blast: Explosion; strong criticism; To criticize strongly; strike with explosives
Blaze: Fire
Blow: Injury / disappointment suffered
Boost: promotion/promote, increase, support
Chide: Ridicule
Claim: To declare to be true; To kill
Clash: Dispute, violent argument, Battle (n.); To disagree strongly; fight (v.)
Cool: Uninterested; unfriendly
Coup: Revolution, change in government
Curb: Restraint, limit
Deadlock: A disagreement that cannot be settled
Deal: Agreement
Drive: Campaign, effort
Due: Expected
Envoy: Diplomat
Eye: To watch with interest
Face: Unfergo
Fault: To find in the wrong
Feud: Dispute, strong disagreement
Flay: To accuse; criticize strongly
Foe: Opponent; enemy
Foil: To prevent from succeeding
Gems: Jewels
Go-ahead: Approval
Grab: Seize, win
Grip: To take hold of
Gut: To destroy completely by fire
Halt: Stop
Haul: Large quantity which has been stolen and later discovered
Head: To lead, direct
Head off: To prevent
Held: To restrict
Heist: Theft
Hit: To affect badly
Hold: To keep in police control; detain
Ink: To sign
Jet: Aero plane
Jobless: Unemployed
Key: Essential, vital, very, important
Kick off: To begin
Lash out: To criticize strongly; accuse
Laud: To praise
Launch: To begin
Line: Position; demand
Link: To connect
Loom: Expected in the near future
Loot: To take away of valuable goods unlawfully (v.); Stolen money or goods (n.)
Man: Representative
Nab: To capture
Net: To total; To capture
Nod: Approval
Ordeal: Painful experience, drama
Office: An important government position
Opt: Choose; decide
Oust: To take power away from, push out, drive out, replace
Output: Production
Pact: Agreement, treaty
Pay: Wages, salary
Pit: Coal mine
Plea: Request for help
Pledge: Promise
Plunge: Steep fall
Poised: Ready for action
Poll: Election, public opinion survey; Voting station
Post: Position in government, business, etc.
Press for: To demand, ask for
Probe: investigation
Prompt: To cause
Push: Encourage, support
Quit: Leave, resign
Quiz: Question, interrogation
Rage: To burn out of control
Raid: Attack, robbery
Rap: Accusation; charge; To criticize, reprimand
Riddle: Mystery
Rock: To shock; to surprise
Rout: To defeat completely
Row: To quarrel, argument, dispute
Rule: To decide (especially in court)
Rule out: To not consider as a possibility
Sack: Dismiss from a job
Sack (from “ransack”): To search thoroughly and rob
Scare: Public alarm
Set: Decide on, ready
Slam: criticize
Smash: defeat
Slay: To kill or murder
Snag: Problem; difficulty
Snub: To pay no attention to
Soar: To rise rapidly
Solon: legislator
Spark: To cause; to lead to action
Split: To divide
Squeeze: Shortage, scarcity
Stalemate: A disagreement that cannot be settled
Stall: Making no progress
Stance: Attitude, way of thinking
Stem: To prevent or stop
Storm: Angry reaction, dispute
Strife: conflict
Sway: To influence or persuade
Swindle: An unlawful way of getting money
Switch: Change, deviation
Swoop: Sudden attack or raid
Talks: discussion
Thwart: To prevent from being successful
Ties: relations
Top: To exceed
Tot: Child
Trim:To cut
Trigger:To cause
Urge: insist, strongly request
Vie:To compete
Void:To determine to be invalid
Vow:To promise
Walkout:Strike (often unofficial)
Wed: To marry
Wedlock: Marriage
Weigh:To consider
