

10 essential stops for Europe first-timers
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1568次 词条创建者:I-crystal     创建时间:08-05 18:01

摘要:  We’ve come a long way since the emergence of the 17th-century ‘Grand Tour,’ when wealthy Brits (mostly Brits) finished their education with a real year in the world, learning to fence in Par[阅读全文]

War Comes to Europe
编辑:2次 | 浏览:3337次 词条创建者:Bryan     创建时间:08-13 08:22
标签: War Comes to Europe 战争降临欧洲

摘要:演讲原文(Herbert Hoover)Sept. 1, 1939Fellow Americans of the radio audience, this is one of the saddest weeks that have come to humanity in a hundred years. A senseless war seems inevitably forced upo[阅读全文]